Chapter XXXIX: Winter Soldier

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This was it. The moment that a lot were curious about. How would Anthony Edward Stark take the news of how his Parents actually died? Would he be able to see pass the whole brain wash thing? Or would he attack Bucky and Steve? Would he attack Kendra for not telling him right away? Would the Avengers break up before they even really were a team?

Kendra, Steve and Bucky appeared out of the portal and into the Avengers Tower- or what was left of it. Tony was currently preparing for the move to his home in Malibu until the tower was rebuilt. He would already be there but Kendra had told him to hold off for a day because she had something important to discuss.

"Welcome to the Ruins of Stark Tower!" Tony cheered as he held up a glass of whiskey, seeing the three members of the team appear. He could tell that Bucky and Steve were worried- or something was on their minds. Their skin flushed and eyes trying to avoid him altogether. "What is it? Is there another attack coming? Tell me now so I don't try rebuilding this tower now." He muttered before taking a drink.

"Anthony." Kendra spoke, gaining the attention of said man. He looked at the blind woman as she walked towards him, her walking stick with her. Tony had heard that she fights with it. He was curious how she manages with that. According to Natasha, she could probably of taken care of the Frost Giants- at least one of them. Of course he had made the joke of her trying to stab an ice cube with a metal toothpick.

"Uh oh. What did I do now?" Tony asked as he placed his drink down on the broke bar. The one side of it was crumbling from a Frost Giant reaching in through the window to get him when he was changing his suits. "You know- I did the whole sacrifice thing- does this mean I'm an Avenger? Am I good enough now?" Tony taunted with a smirk.

"Anthony, you were always a member- just selfish. Now you are a bit less selfish." Kendra teased earning a chuckle from Tony. "And I'm not the one who needs to talk to you. Bucky." Bucky stepped forward causing Tony to look at him confused. He could tell something was wrong, just not sure what.

"What? Did you have an accident? Need help with your arm or something?" Tony questioned. Trying to get whatever it was out of them. It was starting to cause him to stress. He hated the anticipation of being told things and this was taking way too long. "Let's go, I have places to be." He pushed. Bucky brought his steel eyes up, meeting Tony's brown gaze. Tony's eyebrow raised, waiting.

"December 16th 1991." Bucky spoke up finally. This had Tony's attention immediately. He knew that date. How could he not? His brown eyes moved to Kendra then to Steve before moving back to Bucky, as he crossed his arms. "Howard and Maria Stark were in a car accident."

"Yeah I know. I am their son. Why are you bringing this up?? How do you even know about it? Weren't you the Winter Soldier then?" Tony questioned, trying to figure out what the hell was going on and why Steve was patting Bucky's shoulder as Kendra held her walking stick closely. As if she was expecting to have to go defensive.

"They didn't die from the car accident." Bucky admitted. Tony froze. His head tilting slightly  to the side. Eyes narrowing slightly at the short brown haired man with the metal arm. "I was in the control of Hydra at the time. I had a mission."

"You-" Tony let out a dry forced laugh. Shaking his head at the trio. "You're here to tell me you killed my parents? Is that it?" Bucky swallowed hard, trying to find the right words. But before he could say any more, tony kept talking, his eyes on Steve. "Did you know?" Steve met Tony's gaze, lips parted, unsure what to say.


"Did you know? Yes or No."

"Yes." Steve admitted. Kendra took this as her time to step between Tony and the Soldiers. Knowing that Tony did not have a hold on his anger. Not that she blamed him. They were his parents. Whether or not he was close to them did not matter.


"No. No thanks. You may go now. Bye now." Tony muttered before turning to leave the room. But Kendra stepped forward grabbing his arm. "Let go, Kendra." He demanded, using her first name instead of a nickname.

"No. You need to understand. Then you can go and release your anger." She told him. Tony turned to look at her, eyebrow raised and his arms crossing once more. Waiting. "Bucky was not himself. Hydra wiped his mind. He didn't even know who he was. Let alone who Howard was." Kendra spoke softly, but with determination. Tony stared at her, waiting for her to get to her point. "Bucky knew Howard Stark. He would never harm him, and he would never hurt a woman. He was the Winter Soldier. Not Bucky Barnes. Not the man that is standing right here now." Tony shook his head at her.

"He still killed my parents. He still did not tell me up front. Just like how you didn't. You allowed me to fight along side these- these Icicles!!" Tony exclaimed, moving to walk away again. But Kendra stopped him again.

"You made weapons. You made weapons that killed our own people. Killed millions." Kendra told him. "Did you know?"

"Of course I didn't know! I stopped it as soon as I found out!!" Tony exclaimed, clearly getting more upset and annoyed.

"Exactly. You had no idea. Just like how Bucky had NO idea. And when he remembered- he put a stop to how he was. He is now  fighting for the good team. He told Shield everything he knew about Hydra. Just like how you put a stop on the weapons. Just like how you stopped Obadiah." Kendra told him. Tony stopped his heated gaze. Turning from Kendra to look at Bucky.

"I need time." Tony told them. His gaze softening slightly before he looked away. Kendra nodded, releasing him.

"Anthony?" Kendra said softly, softer than when she ranted to him. Tony looked at her. And with that Kendra went on to warn him of the Mandarin. Telling him about Pepper Pots.

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