Chapter XXVI: A Threat

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Steve Rogers was smiling as he watched from the wall as Natasha Romanoff and Kendra Fennick trained together. Nat was the one person who really challenged Kendra, but only because she was the one who taught her everything she knew. Nat knew Kendra's fighting style because of that. Bucky Barnes was standing next to Steve, admiring his friend's fighting style. His arms crossed over his broad chest and leaning up against the wall.

"So how was the date?" Bucky spoke up, curious on how the date his two friends went on went. Steve smiled slightly making Bucky smirk. "That good?"

"It was nice." Steve said quietly, knowing that Kendra could probably hear them. Her serum heightened her senses, which made her able to hear really well since her sight was compromised. Forcing her to listen more. But she was focused on the fight, so Steve wasn't sure if she was even listening.

"Just nice? Did you kiss? Or um- what do you call it?" Bucky looked towards the fight in thought before his eyes brightened. "Fondue?" Steve's eyes widened as a blush ran up his neck. Both of the men noticing as Kendra lost her concentration slightly, getting knocked off her feet. Nat letting out a laugh as she knew Kendra was flustered from hearing Bucky's words.

"Focus Fennick!" Nat mocked before going back in to attack. Bucky smirked as he realized his two friends were flustered together. He was going to enjoy this way too much.

"So you did? You two did it?" Bucky pushed causing Steve to shake his head at him.

"It was a first date, Bucky. Don't put words into my mouth." Steve muttered. He was trying to keep the blush from deepening, but frankly, he was failing. The red rash was spreading along his cheeks quickly.

"A first date? So you are planning on more?" Bucky asked with his playful smirk stretching more. Steve narrowed his eyes over at his friend. Knowing what he was doing with his teasing.

"I asked her on a second." Steve admitted with a sigh. This caused Bucky to turn his head towards his friend. Not understanding why he didn't seem happy about a second date. "She said no." Bucky looked from Steve to Kendra who was clearly listening in, but was trying not to.

"She said no? But you said it went nice- what happened?" He questioned Steve. Steve just shrugged, his blue eyes staying on the fight in front of him.

"She said the future is too busy for her to relax." Steve said with a huff. Bucky furrowed his eyebrows, confused more than ever.

"What the hell does that mean?!" He exclaimed, not realizing his voice had gotten louder. Steve looked over at him, shaking his head before they heard Nat yell.

"Kendra??" Both men looked over to the girls, seeing Nat had stopped fighting as did Kendra who was stood in the middle of the gym with her eyes flicking to different areas of the gym. Wide and seemingly having a glow to them. Steve ran over to her, staring into her eyes. He sweared he could almost see a reflection of the vision she was seeing in her eyes, but it could have just been his eyes making them seem bluer.

"She's having a vision- something new." Steve said as he waited. Bucky nodded, knowing the look she was making right now. It was something intense. Her eyes snapping from side to side before looking upwards. What was she seeing? Steve and Bucky both were curious as they watched her eyes widen, almost what looked to be fear filling them. But then her eyes settled back down before Steve reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder. "What is it, Kendra?" He questioned. Kendra's green eyes snapped in his direction, worry consuming her appearance.

"Something is coming. Suit up and call Anthony. We'll need the Avengers." She ordered as she took her walking stick from Bucky's hand as she went to walk ahead.

"Where are you going??" Bucky questioned as he reached out for her arm, stopping her from leaving.

"I need to get a friend to help us. An expert." She told them as Nat ran out to inform Fury of the threat coming. She may not have known what was happening, but she knew that if Kendra was worried- then it was something serious.

"Wait! Kendra what is even coming??" Steve asked as he moved to stand in front of her. Kendra sighed, her eyes holding so much worry.

"Frost Giants."

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