Chapter LIX: In the End

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Kendra walked into her apartment slowly. Turning her head around to listen for any sounds. Did Steve leave? It hurt to think that she was alone now. But it was her own fault, she pushed Steve away. And now she got to relive the reason for why she was pushing him away.

The dreams. She had them in Wakanda. Bucky tried to soothe her of them, but only Steve seemed to be able too. The night she stayed in Wakanda, Bucky slept next to her. Listening to her screams and panic. It kept him from sleeping. When she woke up- he questioned her on the dreams, but she said nothing about it other than it was the future haunting her. Just like his past haunted him.

But the thing that was messed up, was that when Kendra gave Bucky his memories back all those years ago- she took his pain it seemed. He didn't have the nightmares like he thought he would. He slept good. No dreams to haunt him. No past to hover over his shoulders. The only thing he had was Hydra still being in his mind. But that was why he was in Wakanda now.

Kendra let out a sigh at the thought of anyone knowing of what she actually dreamt of. It wasn't just any normal visions of the future. It wasn't about anyone she could actually help. This person- she couldn't help. But she could make sure at least that no one was hurt by it. Make sure that the incident didn't effect anyone too badly. She even has a plan on how to make it better. She knew that-

"Kendra?" Kendra jerked her head around at the sound of the front door closing and keys being placed on the table. Her train of thought cut off.

"Steve?" Kendra questioned, her body seemed to relax at the thought he was there now. Like she had nothing to worry about. She could hear the slow careful steps he took towards her. Like he was unsure if he was allowed near her now. Steve stared at the woman in front of him. The guilt in him made him want to reach out for her. But he was afraid she would just leave. But the moment that Kendra stepped towards him, her hands shaking slightly, Steve rushed forward grabbing her. Holding her to his chest.

"I'm so sorry- I was a hypocrite. I-I shouldn't have-" Steve started as he held Kendra to his chest. His words coming out stammered and broken. Kendra shook her head.

"No, I shouldn't have said what I said- There are just- there are things you can't understand.." Kendra muttered as she pulled out of his hold. They had things to talk about. And it wasn't going to be easy. Steve looked at her, missing her in his arms.

"Things I can't understand? Like the aneurysm? I am trying- I did some research on it-" Steve told her. Kendra could hear him moving around and the sound of paper rustling.

"Steve, no. That's not what I'm talking about." Kendra ran her hand over her face as she tried to put together her thoughts. Steve was moving some papers around still, like he was trying to find something.

"It says here that there are many ways to remove it- or even live with it-depending on what you want. Cause- Kendra, that's what matters, what you want matters." Steve told her as he grabbed her hands. His blue eyes looking her over. Kendra took this as an out- an out on telling him the complete truth. It would hurt him too much. She had a plan- thats what matters right? He will be fine. they will all be fine. Kendra smiled at him, nodding.

"Thank you- thank you." Kendra told him as she pulled him to her and hugged him. Steve sighed in relief. Relieved that Kendra had appreciated his efforts.

"It's late, we can talk more in the morning." Steve breathed out into her hair, pressing a kiss to her head. "Let's go to bed for now, okay?" Kendra nodded against him.


That night, Kendra relived the dreams- but her plan to avoid things played out. She knew her plans would work. She knew that everyone would be alright. And if it worked out right- even she would live in the end.

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