Chapter XXIII: Double Futures

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After explaining the stones and their purposes, everyone fell into silence. Deep in thought. Coulson and Kendra allowed the others time to process what they were just told.

"So why don't we gather the stones and use them first?" Scott asked after a few minutes. Kendra stared ahead, not bothering to look in his direction as she responded.

"Only a very powerful being can use the stones." She explained only for Scott to scoff.

"You're in the main office of a school full of mutants. Speak of power." He said with a roll of his eyes. Kendra let out a snort of a laugh.

"You think this school holds power? Power of a Titan or a Celestial? You really don't know anything about power." Kendra snapped back. Logan raised his thick eyebrow at the woman as Scott took a step towards her with his hand on his shades.

"I can show you true pow-"

"Enough." Xavier interrupted. Causing Scott to drop his hand and look down ashamed. "Ms. Fennick is right. Power is not in this school. Not the kind that can help us." He agreed before looking to the woman. "Do you have an idea of someone who could do this job?" Kendra smiled with a nod.

"I actually do- but I need to get to him before his father does. I'm sure most people in this school know how parents can be." Kendra explained. "But he will need training once I find him as well. He doesn't even know what he is yet."

"And what is he? A god?" Logan questioned with a dry laugh.

"No, we have one of those though. Technically I have two of them. No, I'm talking about a Celestial- well half. He goes by Starlord. But his real name is Peter Quil."


After Kendra and Coulson left the School for the Gifted, Coulson dropped Kendra off at her old apartment. Kendra was tired after all the prison cell time in Asgard and the car trip from New Mexico to New York. Not to mention getting annoyed by the Tony Stark and Scott summers. It was like an energy drainer. She made her way up the elevator before moving towards her door.

"Jesus, you were gone all day!" Kendra jerked back slightly as her door was pulled open and the voice of Bucky filled her ears. "You didn't see me coming?? I actually scared you?" His smile was illuminating the damp hallway.

"Not scare. Only surprise." Kendra scoffed, rolling her eyes at him. "What are you doing here?" She questioned as she pushed her way into her apartment, freezing slightly as a smell hits her. "Steve Rogers, he dragged you into- well whatever it is that he is wanting?" She questioned as she walked into the kitchen.

"Actually, Steve wanted to-" Bucky was stopped in his sentence by Steve shoving him to hush him. Kendra not really noticing it as she was in the kitchen grabbing some water.

"Bucky wanted to check in on you- make sure our savior is alright." Steve spoke up. Kendra stepped out of the kitchen with a laugh.

"Savior? Bucky? Right. So what is it that you both really want? A prediction? Should I fetch my Tarot Cards and Crystal Ball?" Bucky chuckled at Kendra's sarcasm as Steve blushed slightly. Kendra had a small smirk on her face as she stepped over to the men. "Want me to tell you how your life plays out? If the girl will accept your invite to coffee?" Kendra questioned, pointing her question towards Steve. She was questioning about Sharon Carter. But Steve turned even more red with thoughts of asking Kendra to have coffee. Bucky watched his friends face turn rash red, laughing.

"Stop teasing the boy, Fenny. He's redder than a tomato." Bucky laughed causing Steve to narrow his eyes towards his friend. Kendra laughed, shaking her head at them.

"You two are terrible." She mumbled with a smile, before looking in the direction of Steve. "But yes, Sharon Carter will say yes to your coffee date- well to an extent." She said causing Steve to furrow his brows. Sharon Carter? Peggy's niece? He was confused. Sure he had met his neighbor. But since meeting Kendra, he had no interest in her. They talked quite a bit though and he had gotten the chance to learn of her relations to his first love. But why would Kendra think he would ask her to coffee?

Steve glanced over towards Bucky, who was also looking confused.

"Carter? Steve was supposed to go out with Peggy's Niece?" Bucky questioned with slight humor underlining his tone. "Thats screwed up as hell." He laughed as Steve glared at him again. Kendra tilted her head, slightly confused.

"You weren't asking about Sharon? Then who? The only woman I've seen you with in this lifetime is Sharon before you go-" She stopped, shaking her head.

"Go? Go where?" Steve urged, stepping forward. Kendra shook her head.

"No where. Where would you go? No where but forward, thats for sure." She mumbled, shaking her head and keeping her head low. She sounded like she was mumbling to herself some. Like an insane woman who adopts cats. But maybe that was her destiny. Maybe Kendra should adopt some cats. Start her lonely life now? Hmm.

"What is it?" Steve pushed. Kendra snapped her head up with a smile.

"What is what, Captain?" She repeated with a teasing tone. Steve's eyes widen at being called Captain. Coming from Kendra caused a  fluttering heat in the pits of his stomach. Bucky watched the two. Seeing what Kendra had just done. Distraction. He knew his friend. Knew what game she played. He knew she played it well.

"I-I uh-" Steve stammered, conflicted. Bucky smirked.

"Steve wanted to ask you to dinner. Theres this great diner up the ways and he mentioned how much he thought you would like it." Bucky spoke up. Steve's eyes widen at hearing what his best friend had said. Not reacting fast enough to stop him. Kendra froze. A blush running up her neck and spreading over her ears and cheeks. Bucky smirked at her reaction, causing Steve to look over at her and smile a bit seeing her act this way.

"Like a- a date?" She asked as she moved her eyes around, confused. Bucky nudged Steve with his elbow, pushing him to speak up.

"Yeah- A date." Steve agreed. A hopeful smile on his face. Kendra looked to be in thought- trying to figure out what went wrong- or right in her mind. Rewatching the vision of Steve dancing with Peggy back in the forties, but the present time Steve. But something caught her eye. It was a double vision. But she couldn't see the second vision clearly.. Did Steve have two endings? Two possibilities? Why couldn't she see the second vision that clearly? Would she if she agreed to the date? Only one way to find out.


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