Chapter XLVI: The Mind Stone

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Steve kept his eyes on Kendra the whole time she had spoke to the female twin. Doing his best to try and focus on the fight, but his main attention was on Kendra. Worried she might need help randomly. But when Kendra grabbed her walking stick and left the clear room with Wanda behind her, Steve let out a puff of air as he refocused on the fight on hand. Kendra walked with Wanda, opening Pietro's door so he could run out and help with the fight.

"What is it that you need?" Wanda asked as she used her magic to throw some agents out of her way.

"The Mind Stone. I need to retrieve it to finish the Vision." Kendra told her as Pietro and Wanda both watched a bit amazed as Kendra used her walking stick to smack some Agents. Knocking them out or at least knocking the air out of them.

"They keep that locked away in Styker's office." Pietro spoke up when he came to a halt next to Kendra. "I can take you." His voice was thick with an accent, Sokovian.

"Keep your hands in respectable places." Kendra told him sternly causing him to chuckle before grabbing her.

"Close your eyes." He whispered.

"I'm blind." She laughed before he ran off. Dodging bullets and electrical rods. Once they got to an office, Pietro placed her down in front of the door, looking for a way to open it. Only for Kendra to pull out a keycard, opening the door immediately.

"Clever." Pietro whistled as Kendra smirked and walked into the office. A bullet shooting off and hitting her leg right when she took a step in. Pietro moved quick, knocking the man over and Kendra pulled the end of her walking stick off, throwing the dagger at the man before Pietro could do anything more.

Kendra moved to closed the door behind them so no one else would be entering without them knowing. Her leg was throbbing from the bullet that went through her thigh.

"Are you alright?" Pietro asked as his eyes looked to her leg, blood spreading through her jeans.

"I'm fine. Let's just find the stone and get out." Kendra told him sternly. Her voice was harsh. Telling Pietro everything he needed to know. He did what she asked though, looking around for a safe. Jerking his head up when he heard a metal clank. Kendra tapped her walking sticking to the safe in the wall. She handed Pietro her walking stick as she placed her hand on the cool metal, turning the knob to see if she had the right spot. Listening to the clicks of the gears before a louder click showed she was finding the right combination.

"That was extraordinary." Pietro complimented as Kendra swung the door open and a black box sat inside of the safe. She smiled towards him before grabbing the box.

"Let's get out of here."

"Is that it? Are you sure?"

"You don't feel it?" She questioned, curious. Popping the box open slightly to show him the glowing gem, before snapping it shut again.

"You feel it?" She nods as she hit the lock on the door, forcing it to slide open. The gunfire was still going, but not as badly. Pietro lifted her up before running off with her. He kept his hold on her as he ran them over to Steve and Natasha, Wanda making her way towards them. The moment Steve caught sight of Kendra, his eyes noticed the red staining her thigh.

"What happened?!" He demanded, his blue eyes snapping to the speedster. Pietro placed her down gently, giving Steve a shrug.

"She was shot?" He told him in a 'duh' tone, his accent soaking through his words. Kendra laughed at his tone before using her hands to open a portal. It was easier to make a portal with her hands instead of her walking stick this time.


They all walked into Kendra's apartment, closing the portal immediately. Steve moved to grab Kendra's hand and lead her to the couch, lifting her up and laying her on it carefully.

"Steve- I'm fine." Kendra told him. He rolled his eyes at her as Nat moved to lead Wanda and Pietro out of the apartment and to Shield.

"You are not fine. Don't lie to me." He sternly told her. Kendra sighed.

"It went straight through. I need stitches. Just grab the first aid kit in the bathroom." She told him. He nodded, getting up and going to the bathroom. When he returned he caught sight of Kendra removing her jeans. His eyes lingering over her for a moment before he kneeled next to her on the floor.

"You sure you want me to stitch you up? The hospital-"

"Is not an option." She told him sternly. Steve looked up at her, eyebrows furrowed.

"I think it's time you told me some stuff. Your story. Why is the hospital off the table? Why did you leave Egypt?" Kendra sighed, before opening her mouth to explain to Steve everything as he began to stitch her up.

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