Chapter III: 1995 Pt. 3

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It was the second Tuesday of December. The snow falling, the wind blowing it into magical looking swirls of snowflakes. A young girl, no older than eleven, was making her way home from school. Her green eyes so vibrant- brown curls blowing into the wind. Small snowflakes sticking to her curls. Her winter coat pulled tightly to her body as she tried to hurry home.

Deciding on a shortcut, the young girl turned down an alleyway. Her home only a few blocks away when she heard the snow crunching behind her. Glancing back, she saw a man standing there, his hat tilted slightly to hide his face.

"Are you lost?" He spoke in a low gruff sounding voice. The young girl stepped away from him, fear running through her spine as another man showed up behind her.

"N-no. I'm going home." She spoke before moving to go around the other man only to be grabbed.

"Don't leave so soon. We just want to help you." The man who was walking towards her still, spoke up.

"Please leave me a-alone." She spoke, trying to stay confident as she tried to get her arm out of the mans grip. The man moved his arms to wrap around the girl, holding her arms down as he lift her up. "No!! Let me go!!!" She exclaimed as the man carried her towards a black SUV that pulled up at the end of the alleyway. Her legs kicking out to try and get free. Screaming for help before the man shoved a cloth into her mouth.

"Now now, angel. We just want to help you." He whispered before her vision went dark.


Waking up, the girl found herself in a concrete cell. Dim lighting showing she had no windows. Her back hurting from laying on the old mattress that had a spring sticking out of it. Stains covering it that made the little girl gag and get up quickly.

"Ah. You are awake. Good." The little girl looked up to see a new man standing at the cell door. His face was rough looking, scars covering it with a lot of scruff on his chin. "Can you tell me your name, angel?" He asked, seemingly trying to be nice to the young girl. She stayed away from him, scared. Her little body shaking from the cold and fear mixing together.

"Ken-kendra." She stammered. Afraid that if she didn't answer she would get hurt. The man smiled slightly, nodding.

"Well, Kendra Angel. Welcome to your new home." Kendra shook her head.

"Ple-please. I need to get back to my mo-momma." She tried but the man frowned, shaking his head at her.

"This is your home now. You will join the Black Widows in training. And once you turn old enough- well I'll make you my most prized possession." He spoke in a deep voice that made her think of an evil villain in a movie.

From that moment on- Kendra was enrolled in Ballet. Learning to move as graceful as a small girl could. Training to fight with the other girls her age. She had made one friend while there, Natalia Romanoff. She was in a year above her in the program. And Natalia had seemingly taken her under her wing. Teaching her separately. Saying it was dire that she learned to protect herself no matter what.

Kendra had no idea why Natalia pushed her so much until the day came of her graduation. It was a blood bath. She was given a choice of weapon. She had always trained with Nat with a pole. So Kendra had chosen a metal rod that was alone in a group of guns and knives. Most girls had chosen a gun if they had an actual choice. But Kendra had never even used a gun.

The graduation went on with blood splattering everywhere. At one point, Kendra had blood splattered into her eyes. Her vision being compromised and forcing her to rely on her other senses. Luckily this was some training that Natalia had done with her. Teaching her to listen carefully. At the end of it all, Kendra stood holding the metal rod in her hands horizontally. Panting and listening for any movement. A clapping sound echoed throughout the room causing Kendra to jump. Her eyes moving around as she tried to see what was happening.

"Bravo! That was such a show." She heard the man who had her signed up for this speak. She never cared to listen for a name, only calling him Sir when spoken to. She heard footsteps as someone walked up to her, she went to throw the rod at them only for it to be caught by something metal. "Winter, take our new project to the lab." The rod was ripped from her hands, thrown to the floor with a clank before a metal hand grabbed her upper arm and dragged her out of the room. Kendra stayed silent as she tried to blink to get her vision back. Not at all working. Her vision filled with nothing but red.

"Is this her?" Someone spoke up. Kendra jerked her eyes around, trying to see where she was- or who was near her. The metal arm releasing her as she moved to rub her arm where it had grabbed her.  "She will do just nicely. Just nicely indeed."

From then on, Kendra spent her days strapped to a table. The science man started with eye drops and shock therapy. Trying to bring back her vision, but it seemed to only get worse. Until the day that something happened. Kendra let out a scream as her vision cleared, but what was in front of her was what made her scream bloody murder. She watched as a war happened right before her. A purple alien looking man fighting for what looked to be a gauntlet. People dying, fighting. A man drew Kendra's attention. He was familiar. The red, white and blue standing out on the shield as it flew past her.

A gasp left her lips as his blue eyes seemed to look right at her. But her vision blurred as a shock ran through her. The therapy zapping her out of consciousness. That was the day that Kendra's life changed forever. Her vision being overran by visions of the past and future. Never again to see the present day through her Forest green eyes.

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