Chapter XXII: Xavier's School for the Gifted

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The world has always been against Mutants. Something different would always cause people to protest. But what they didn't know was that something different is what they needed. Thats what Kendra was thinking when Coulson and her ended up parked in front of the School for the Gifted. The mutants had always been isolating from the rest of society because of how awful humans have been towards them. But she knew that if they joined forces and fought against the Purple Titan, they would possibly win the first try.

"Back again?" Scott Summers mumbled unenthusiastically as Coulson got out of the car first before helping Kendra out. She didn't really need help, but she knew Coulson was being polite. "I thought we told you there was no proof of a war." Scott muttered out as his eyes looked to Kendra, a bit confused.

"Maybe you should just lead us to Professor Xavier." Coulson told him as he handed Kendra her walking stick and started to walk off. Scott let out a huff before rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses and leading them forward.

"Should we have someone else help us? It seems that Mr. Summers has an attitude problem." Kendra snipped. Still a bit riled up from being around Tony Stark. Scott turned his head to look at the woman.

"Kendra, it's fine." Coulson told her reassuringly. Kendra nodded with a sigh as they walked into the building. She could hear the students chattering around them as they walked to the main office of Professor Xavier. She stepped to the side as a student came barreling out of the room, nearly running into the others. This caused Scott to look at her oddly. How did she see that coming? Kendra made her way into the office last, letting Coulson and Scott go in first.

"They're back. But he brought someone different instead of the Stark guy." Scott spoke as they entered. Kendra stepped to the side so she was seen.

"Hello Xavier. My name is Kendra Fennick" Kendra thought as she felt someone in her mind. The man in the wheelchair at the desk stared at the woman, a bit shocked but relatively impressed.

"You know of me, then?" Kendra nodded.

"How could I not? You have created such an amazing home for the gifted. It's beautiful." Kendra said as she stood in front of the desk. Coulson stood behind her to the side with a smile, one that screamed he knew what was going to happen. Xavier tilted his head slightly.

"You're also a mutant." He acknowledged. Kendra furrowed her eyebrows at him, shaking her head at him.

"I was made this way from Hydra. But I was not born-"

"You were. Not all Mutant powers are activated through being born. Hydra only pushed them to being active. You already had them." He explained, stopping Kendra in her place. "So you see the future, is that right?"

"And the past." She added with a small frown, hearing someone shuffle in the room. Her head snapped in the direction of the sound, already knowing who stood there. "It's alright, Logan. I do not judge on pasts. The past is the past and the Future can be changed. All that matters is what you do now to make it better." She smiled towards the man. Logan narrowed his eyes at the strange woman. Not feeling comfortable with the fact that she knew his name and yet he didn't know hers.

"Kendra here has seen a war coming. She is requesting our help-" Xavier started, but Kendra nodded interrupting him as he did her earlier.

"This war will wipe half the population. Mutants included. It will end in too many deaths. I have plans to change that- but I need ally's ready to fight." She stated sounding professional. Scott stood up straighter as he saw the professor nod his head. It was all real. Kendra was playing out what she knew to happen in her head. Like a movie playing for Xavier. Logan's eyes hardened in thought.

"You said you have a plan?" Logan spoke up, curious to know what she thought would protect the whole world. This woman was tiny, not short, but skinny where he could break her in half. What plan did she have to defeat someone that could wipe out half the population? But then again, Logan knew not to judge someone on their size alone. Scott- not so much. Scott stepped forward.

"How do you plan to stop this? If this is a war- how is a blind woman going to help us win it?" He questioned. Kendra snapped her head towards him with a smirk.

"Why is it that men always think a blind woman can't hold her own?" She mocked with a roll of her eyes. Scott stepped closer to her only for her to poke his chest with her walking stick. "Don't underestimate me, Summers." She said with narrowed eyes. Coulson had the biggest smile on his face. "The Titan is after the Infinity stones." Kendra finally said, looking towards Xavier.

"Wait- what are the Infinity Stones?" Logan questioned as Scott stepped away from the woman, rubbing his chest lightly.

"At the dawn of the universe, there was nothing. Then... boom." Kendra said, motioning an explosion with her hands. "The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals hurtling across the virgin universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence." She explained as Coulson stepped next to her. He had been told about them recently when he was talking to Kendra in the car.

"Space, Reality, Power, Soul, Mind, and Time." Coulson said with a grin. He was glad he knew something about the plan before even Fury knew.

"Why is a Titan after them?" Scott questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.

"To control the power that comes with it. The Space stone can get you access to any location. The Reality stone can bend reality, giving you the power or strength to do whatever you please." Kendra said, explaining the stones. "The Power stone, is pretty self-explanatory. Soul stone to conjure up the deceased soul, essentially bringing them back. The Mind stone- mind control. And finally the Time stone-"

"Has the power to reverse time. Isn't that the stone that Hydra used on you? Would make sense." Coulson asked, his head turned to look at Kendra. She smiled and nodded. Her journey with the Time stone was a long story- one she knew would come up eventually. But- now was not the time.

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