Chapter XLIV: Bad Acting and Infiltration

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Steve had offered Natasha to sleep in the main bed with Kendra, but she declined, claiming the couch would be best for her. She knew that Kendra would sleep best with Steve. Which Steve and Kendra both appreciated.

Kendra woke up in Steve's arms, warm and cozy. Feeling his chest rise and fall under her head as she focused on his steady beating heart. She could tell he was sleeping, but he was slowly waking up. Probably from her slight movement, her fingers caressing his bare chest. Feeling the ridges of muscle that was engraved into his skin. Listening to his breathing as it hitched just slightly at her light tracing.

"Did it hurt?" She whispered to him. Steve opened his eyes and glanced down at the top of her head before moving his hand to comb through her hair.

"Yes." He responded, knowing she meant when he got the serum. Kendra knew it did, she could still hear his screams from the visions she saw of his past. Steve paused his movement when Nat came into the room, not even knocking.

"Alright, Get up. If you want to infiltrate a Hydra base today then you need to quit with the touching and get moving." Nat ordered walking over and pulling Kendra off of Steve.

"Nat!" Steve exclaimed a bit shock. Kendra laughed as she let her friend pull her to the dresser to grab her clothes for the mission.

"Don't worry, Stevie- I've seen it all before." Nat told him with a wink before she grabbed Kendra's clothes and handed them to her. "Now get dressed." She ordered.


Kendra ended up opening up a portal to the Hydra base. Steve in his Captain uniform and Natasha in her black leotard. Kendra was in normal clothes. Not really needing to dress for a fight when she was mostly there for the twins and the stone. She had her walking stick though and thats the main thing she needed.

Steve stayed by Kendra's side as they walked along the walls. Nat snuck around another way to see if she could take some out without being caught right away. Steve kept his hand on Kendra's forearm the whole way. Listening to the agents discuss the twins.

"Do we have anymore volunteers for the experiments?" One of the agents asked. Steve furrowed his eyebrows, confused.

"Volunteer?" He whispered to Kendra. Kendra held her finger to her lips, shushing him instantly as she leaned forward to listen.

"Not at the moment. The Twins and Lenny are the only ones so far." Kendra furrowed her eyebrows. Lenny? She hadn't- could he be the new winter soldier replacement she had seen Bucky and Steve fighting?

"At least the twins are clever. Lenny didn't even know what do with the toothbrush I gave him yesterday. Poor guy is an utter moron." Kendra was piecing the puzzle together. From what it sounds like, Lenny is a homeless man they had picked up, a Veteran of war who came back to absolutely no support. It was a major issue in todays world. Steve felt Kendra leave his hand, before realizing that she had walked out freely. His eyes wide in shock and confusion as he watched her use her stick to walk as though she was completely disabled.

"Who the hell are you!?"
"How did you get in here!?"

Both Hydra agents questioned at the same time, guns aimed at Kendra.

"I-I'm sorry, I was told to walk this way for the volunteer signup and apparently they thought a blind woman would be able to find her way." She played dumb, an accent coming into play. Steve stayed back, watching as the one agent snorted and walked up to her.

"Why would a blind woman be volunteering?" He asked as they both lowered their guns. Kendra listened carefully as their guard was dropped, their heartbeats calm and breathing steady.

"I w-want revenge on the people who killed my family-" Steve listened to her accent grow thicker, sounding what he could only assume was Egyptian. One of the agents laughed out.

"What do you think this is? An easy way to avenging someone?? Maybe you should have tried the Avengers, lady."  The agent sneered out. Kendra shook her head, a look of distraught on her face.

"They were the ones who murdered my family- I want revenge." She pushed. Steve furrowed his eyebrows at her choice in acting. He didn't know much about her family but he knew the Avengers didn't kill them. Especially since they weren't around yet.

"Oo the big bad hero's killed your family? Let's go then." The man told her, both men stepping up next to her to guide her to the correct holding area. But Kendra had other plans. She tapped her stick twice on the ground, giving Steve the idea to follow after them. It was her way to find the twins and hopefully the stone. She could only hope that they were leading her right to where she needed to be. And also that there wouldn't be too many agents for them to fight. She wondered where Nat was at that very moment.

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