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The white clouds are a beautiful contrast to the blue sky. Flights are boring for most people. For Jungkook, they are not only boring but hard as well. Travelling is not easy for people like him, who travel a lot.

He has his earphones plugged in that blast his favourite playlist in his ears. After hours of staring at the sky, trying to make out the shapes of the clouds, he gets tired. His eyes feel like burning after gazing at the sunny weather outside the window. So he pulls it down and closes his eyes.

There are still a few hours left before the flight lands in Seoul. He can sleep until then so that he is fresh at the airport and doesn't appear like he would faint anytime soon right in front of the cameras.

But as soon as he closes his eyes, his phone beeps with a new message. Sighing, he opens his eyes and unlocks his phone. He sighs again when his eyes fall on the sender's name.

It's Taehyung.

His husband.

Jungkook is married. He has been married for the past six years but this is not something people know about him. Not even his closest friends.

His mind travels back to the night six years ago. The night that changed everything. The night that he wanted to be just a bad dream. But that night was a reality. It was Jungkook's reality. It was the turning point of his life.

That night changed him from a youthful, happy person to a thoughtful, reserved person. That night took away his freedom from him. That night, all he wished for was to drink his sorrow away but he was stuck in his room with a person he knew he wasn't meant to be with.

6 Years Ago...

Heavy silence envelopes the room. The sound of breathing is the only sound heard except the sound of the crickets buzzing occasionally, only to cause irritation to any normal person.

But the two males present in the room are least bothered by that. They want something to break the awkward silence between them. But neither of them knows how to start a conversation.

"Jungkook!" "Taehyung!"

They call each other's name simultaneously. The younger boy blushes deeply at that. He looks at his husband shyly through his veil. The man sitting in front of him is so handsome. He had never thought that he could get someone like him as a life partner.

"Uh... You go first." Jungkook says, rubbing the back of his neck. The smaller male looks so shy and so nervous. He is totally not Jungkook's type. The idol trainee likes bold and outgoing people. Not someone as fragile as the boy sitting in front of him.

"No... you can... go first." Taehyung says as he plays with his fingers. He feels so shy in front of his husband. Well, can you really blame him? Until a week ago, he didn't even know he was going to be married.

"Are you sure?" Jungkook asks. The other's nervousness is already getting on his nerves but he decides to stay calm for the other. He knows that he isn't the one who dragged him into this marriage. He was told to marry him too, just like Jungkook was told (more like ordered) to marry Taehyung.

"Yes. Go ahead please." Taehyung says in a soft voice. Jungkook nods his head and looks at him. He wonders if he should remove Taehyung's veil himself or ask him to do it for him?

"Can you... remove the veil? I kind of want to talk to you while having a proper eye contact." He says. Taehyung blushes a deep shade of red.

He shyly bites his lower lip and removes the veil slowly. He remembers that Seokjin, his best friend, told him to not be shy when this moment comes.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now