Thirty Eight

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Jimin whistles to calm his nerves down as he makes his way into the Jeon Mansion. It's been a while since he came back home. He basically left for New York and never came back until now.

He is nervous. Even though this is his own house, he is nervous because he knows that Jungkook and Taehyung are inside. He doesn't know if he can face them. He knows that whatever happened back in New York wasn't anyone's fault. Heck, it wasn't even Yoongi's fault that he caught feelings but the words Yoongi said to his brother and Taehyung were totally unnecessary and mean. He felt like he suffered his own heartbreak without even directly facing it.

He still thinks that he isn't ready to meet his family and others, the other being Yoongi, but he knows that he needs to be here today because it's Taehyung's birthday.

He didn't wish him at midnight and he feels guilty enough about that. Not being here for the celebration was out of the question.

He still remembers how Seokjin yelled at him when he sent the outfit he chose for Taehyung to him. The older had told him that a gift sent from afar can never compensate for the happiness Taehyung would feel if he were here.

So he decided to come back not only because of Taehyung but because of himself too. He needs to face this situation and try to move on. He also knows how worried everyone in his family is and he can't make them sad by not being here on Taehyung's birthday.

He takes a deep breath and starts walking towards the door but the voice that he loves a lot stops him, "Jimin!"

His eyes get wider as he turns around to see Yoongi standing in front of him. "Yoongi hyung," he mutters, not knowing what else to say.

Nervousness starts creeping into his heart. He remembers Jungkook telling him that he planned a surprise party for Taehyung and invited everyone who knows about them. But he didn't think Jungkook would invite Yoongi and even if he did out of formality, he didn't think Yoongi would actually be here. He isn't ready to face him this soon.

"Hi, Jimin. I wasn't expecting to see you here. I heard Jungkook and Taehyung talking about how you disappeared the other day." The older explains.

Jimin frowns, "Well, this is literally my house so I can come and go anytime I want. And I wasn't expecting to see you here after all that happened back in New York. Also, are you so obsessed with Taehyung that you thought it was okay to eavesdrop on him while he was talking to his husband? Yoongi hyung, do you have no manners at all?"

Yoongi looks at him with his mouth slightly agape and eyes as big as saucers. He wasn't expecting Jimin to talk to him like this. Heck, even Jimin didn't think he would say all that to the older. He didn't want to come out as petty but he was upset and he didn't even share this with anyone--- more like he couldn't. Sue him for being frustrated.

"You remember everything? Weren't you drunk?" The rapper asks, looking at him in confusion.

"I was but I do remember everything that happened before I blacked out," Jimin tells him as all the memories from that night come flooding into his mind.

"Oh," Yoongi doesn't know what to say.

"Are you here for Taehyung's birthday party too?"


Jimin frowns, "Oh, I didn't think you would come."

"Jungkook invited me," Yoongi says, feeling embarrassed for some reason, "I didn't want to come here, believe me. I just--- I think I need closure with Taehyung so that I can move on."

The rapper feels awkward. He usually doesn't tell people about his feelings but he doesn't know why he's telling all this to Jimin. 

"Closure, you say?" The younger crosses his arms across his chest, "Are you sure you're not here to spoil his special day for him?"

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now