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Trembling hands, raging heartbeat and a nervous body language describes Taehyung the best right now.

He is sitting in the car outside HYBE's building. Seokjin figured that his best friend would be nervous on his first day so he decided to drive him here himself.

The two best friends are now sitting in Seokjin's car, waiting for Ms. Na Heedo, another stylist of BTS. Since BTS consists of only four members, there are only two stylists assigned to them. One of previous stylists got pregnant and she had to leave so Taehyung was assigned to the group.

"Don't worry, Tae. Everything's gonna be okay." Seokjin says, patting his thigh, telling him that there is no need to worry so much.

"I hope so, hyung. I'm--- I'm scared. How would Jungkook react?" He asks, his voice a little loud. The older sighs and holds his hand, squeezing it a little.

"Tae, look at me." He says softly but firmly at the same time. The younger looks at his best friend, eyes full of worry. "You're not going there for Jungkook. You're going there because you earned this opportunity. You shouldn't let go of it just because of your jerk of a husband." Seokjin says, making Taehyung laugh. His best friend never not says something bad about his husband and to be honest, that makes him feel better because he never directly says something to Jungkook. At least not until he crosses the line.

"Yeah, I know. I'll do my best, hyung. Please root for me." Taehyung finally smiles. Seokjin nods, chuckling all the way.

"Good and tell me if there's a problem. I'll take you out of there as soon as possible but not before teaching that dumbass a lesson." Taehyung laughs at the other's statement.

"Don't worry, hyung. I'll try my best to not involve my personal life with work. It should be okay."

"I know you won't. But what about that asshole?"

"I'm sure he loves his reputation, hyung. He won't do anything stupid." Taehyung assures him. He really hopes that Jungkook doesn't make his job difficult but he has been good to him since the time he got injured. Even after going back to his dorm, he texted him a couple of times to check on him and his well being.

"He better not." Seokjin says.

Soon, their eyes fall on another car being pulled in front of them. A woman, probably in her early thirties, steps out of the car. She's beautiful with bangs decorating her forehead.

"That's Na Heedo." Seokjin informs, already unfastening his seat belt to get out of the car but Taehyung holds his hand.

"You don't have to go out, hyung." The younger says. Seokjin looks at him with a confused expression. "Why?"

"We agreed not to disclose about our friendship until I have made my own identity at the company." The young stylist reminds him. The CEO sighs and nods, "Fine. But I'm telling the whole company you're my best friend once you prove yourself."

"Sure thing, hyung." Taehyung laughs.

"Take care of yourself and tell me if there's a problem." Seokjin reminds him once again.

"Sure thing, hyung." Taehyung beams at him. He unfastens his seat belt and after waving Seokjin goodbye, he jumps out of the car with his bag in his hand.

When the CEO drives away, Taehyung approaches the other stylist, Na Heedo. She is busy on her phone so he clears his throat first before saying, "Hello, sunbae."

Heedo looks up from her phone and smiles at him. "You must be Taehyung, right? I've heard a lot about you. Top performer among the trainees, huh? It's nice to meet you." She smiles at him, making him blush.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now