Fifty Five

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Hey guys! I'm back with a special update! Can you guess why it's special?

Also, stream Layover while reading. Have a good time!


When Jungkook wakes up the next morning, he feels disoriented and cold.

Disoriented because whatever happened yesterday feels like a dream. He can't believe that he actually went to see Baekhyun and his best friend doesn't want to see him anymore.

Cold because the other side of the bed is cold and too tidy. It's almost like Taehyung didn't sleep here.

Or maybe he really didn't . Jungkook wouldn't be surprised if he didn't because he suddenly remembers how excited his husband was upon seeing him yesterday and how upset he got after his lack of response and enthusiasm.

Jungkook rubs his eyes before throwing away the comforter from his body. Quickly slipping his feet in the sliders, he walks out of the room to search for his husband.

But the house is quiet. Almost too quiet for his liking. It seems like no one is home. At least not Taehyung. Whenever the younger is home, Yeontan keeps following around. He even sleeps in the same room as Taehyung.

But the little one sleeping alone on the couch is enough for Jungkook to know that his husband is not at home.

He quickly glances at the wall clock and sees that it's already noon. Jungkook overslept.

Well technically he can sleep in because he doesn't have anything on his schedule for two days but it's his responsibility to make breakfast for his husband everyday. He needs to wake up early to do that.

Not seeing Taehyung at home, he wonders if the younger went to work with an empty stomach.

Jungkook walks closer to the couch and finds Yeontan sleeping on top of the light purple comforter Taehyung likes to wrap around himself when he sits in the living room to watch TV.

There's a pillow too. Jungkook wonders if Taehyung slept on the couch after all.

He sighs. Knowing Taehyung, he distances himself when he's upset. So it makes sense that he didn't sleep with Jungkook.

The idol curses himself. It's because of him that his husband must be sad now and went ahead for a long day without even resting properly.

"I even missed Taehyung's cooking." He sighs as he starts walking towards the kitchen.

He has always wanted to try out the food made by Taehyung. It took a while for the younger to finally lift a pan. But when he actually did, Jungkook messed up the chance because he was too busy lamenting over his past and his ruined friendship.

He decides to make a nice dinner for his husband and apologise to him. But he also wonders exactly how many times Taehyung would forgive him because it seems like Jungkook keeps messing up quite frequently.

When Jungkook opens the fridge to grab some milk for his cereal, his eyes fall on a chocolate cake. There's something written on it but it got smudged. It seems like whoever put it in here didn't handle it with care.

"Who brought this cake, ajumma?" He asks his household help who enters the kitchen after cleaning the house.

The woman in her late fifties walks closer to the fridge to get a better view of it.

"Oh this! Taehyung-ssi made this yesterday." She tells him.

"H-He did?"

"Yes, Jungkook-ssi." The woman smiles fondly as she remembers the time, "He ruined the cake twice before he could finally make it perfectly. After one failed attempt, I told him to just order it from outside but he was adamant. Said he wanted to make your anniversary cake himself. So I let him be. He was very happy when he could finally do it."

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now