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Having nowhere else to go, Taehyung ended up at Seokjin's house. He was so mad at Jungkook and so hurt by his words that he knew he would lose his mind if he stayed at his house for another damn minute. It was already half past twelve so he went to his best friend's house.

Not wanting to bother him in case he was sleeping, he used the spare key Seokjin had given him to enter the house. The older always told him that he was welcome at his place anytime he wanted.

So Taehyung got inside the house and checked on Seokjin who was already sleeping in his room. So he went to the guest room, hoping to get some good sleep after the tiring day.

But no matter how much he wanted to sleep, he couldn't. He had left his sleeping pills at his house and it wasn't easy for him to sleep without taking them. So he spent the whole night thinking how messed up his life is while cuddling Yeontan.

He wondered how rarely he got a chance to be happy. As a kid, he was an outcast in school. Even in university. His own husband doesn't want him. He kept on ignoring him for years, making him feel like nothing but a burden. He made him feel so insignificant.

Whenever they do try to talk to each other, they always end up fighting. The whole night Taehyung wondered if Jungkook has any idea about how much he hurts him.

He wondered if he didn't put up with him for so many years, would the things be different? Would he be happy?

Had Jungkook accepted the idea of divorce, both of them would have been happier. That's what Taehyung thinks now. He can't help but think of a possible reason as to why Jungkook didn't agree to divorce him when he was the one who proposed the idea first--- that too, on their wedding night.

Jungkook was the one who kept on saying that having dreams is more important than anything else. He was the one who didn't give a shit about their marriage for his dreams. So when Taehyung is trying to achieve his own dreams, why is he coming in the way of that?

Jungkook is a hypocrite. He is scared of their marriage coming to light but he doesn't even want to divorce Taehyung. The young stylist can't help but think how selfish he is. He wants everything to happen according to him. What about him?

What about Taehyung?

He had gotten attached to him when they got married but Jungkook never even talked to him. When he decided that it was for the better that they get a divorce and try to move on in life and be happy separately, Jungkook didn't agree to that either.

He just can't understand what the idol wants. Taehyung doesn't understand why he has to suffer so much. He wants to be free of this.

He wants to be free of this constant cycle of liking Jungkook and then getting annoyed of him again and again. He doesn't want to get played. He doesn't want to get his hopes up again. He doesn't want stress more than he already has. He feels like if he deals with some more, he would die.

Taehyung did manage to get an hour's sleep early in the morning after thinking about all this. He could finally catch some sleep after doing a lot of thinking and coming to a conclusion.

He needs to talk to Jungkook and make things clear. He is determined to do so when he sees him the next time.

Right now, he is in Seokjin's kitchen, making some breakfast for both of them. As soon as he had fallen asleep, the rays of the sun woke him again. So he thought that it's better to do something productive than lay in bed and wait for sleep that he knew would never come.

"Oh my God! Taehyung? What are you doing here?" Seokjin's high pitched surprised voice startles him just when he was about to put the egg in the pan to make a poached egg for himself. He loves to have the yolk in it's perfect circular shape when he makes it but because of his best friend, it just got distorted.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now