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As soon as they step in the room, memories from six years ago start flooding their minds. The room is exactly the same. They came here a couple of times in the past but never together and never to spend the night here.

Taehyung is nervous. Why did he have to stay the night here when he and Jungkook are not even on the best term? Well, they have never been on good term with each other but this time it's particularly bad. It's as if all the anger, frustration and annoyance suppressed within Taehyung for several years is finally releasing.

"You can take the bed. I'll take the couch." Jungkook says, standing right behind him. The younger nods without looking back because he doesn't want to see his husband. It's always the face--- when you look at it, you take decisions you don't want to. For example, if you see sadness on the face of the person, you would want to cheer them up; if you see the look of guilt, you would want to forgive them. At least this is the case with Taehyung because he has a pure heart and he believes in forgiveness.

But this time if Taehyung doesn't want to forgive him, Jungkook must have fucked up real bad.

The younger starts moving towards the bed, not even telling Jungkook that he could sleep on it instead while he takes the couch. Why, you ask? It's because he deserves it. He believes that after everything Jungkook put him through, he at least deserves the comfort of a bed even if he won't probably be getting any sleep tonight.

Taehyung settles on the bed, deciding to quickly lay down so that he can avoid any kind of interaction with the other male. He pulls the blanket to cover his body, leaving only his face exposed and closes his eyes.

He can feel his heart thumping in his chest and nervousness creeping through his body. He wants nothing more than the night to pass by quickly.

With his eyes closed, he is too aware about everything around himself. He can hear the sound of the rain beating the windows and the roof, he can hear the sound of the fast blowing wind making the leaves on the trees rustle along with the occasional sound of thunder. The weather got really bad.

He can also hear footsteps approaching him and he knows who it is.

Please don't come closer.

Please don't come closer.

He chants mentally, eyes tightly shut. What if Jungkook decides to talk to him? He doesn't want that. He is not ready to have a conversation with him yet, at least not without lashing out on him which is something that he doesn't want.

The footsteps come to a halt and Taehyung knows that his husband is standing right in front of him--- in front of the bed. He can feel his presence.

On the other hand, the idol stares at his the younger, standing just a few inches away from the bed. He knows that the other isn't sleeping. His eyes are moving under the closed lids and he can see how nervous he looks. He can't help but blame himself for it.

He slowly bends down, towards the bed and Taehyung can feel that too. He is too cautious, too aware. He can feel the other's body approaching him, making his heart thump erratically.

Soon he feels a tingling, hot sensation on his face, caused by Jungkook's soft breath. He is too close.

What if he tries to kiss me again? The sudden thought makes Taehyung's eyes snap open. He looks at his husband whose face is close to his but not too close at the same time.

His one hand is placed on the bed, caging Taehyung between his hand and his body. The younger's breath hitches in his throat as he stares at him with wide eyes.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now