Twenty One

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Early update 'cause I was late last time. Say you love me for this🤭

Happy Reading!!

The three of them end up at a nearby cafe. When Jungkook had asked Yoongi and Taehyung if he could join them, they couldn't say no to him because the way he asked seemed more like a self invitation than a permission.

When they reached the cafe, it was already closing time with only two staffs present. Even though it was really late, they were glad to serve the trio.

So right now, Yoongi is having his coffee, Jungkook ordered ice-cream for himself while Taehyung settled with his strawberry milkshake. There is silence at the table making the younger idol wonder if the others don't like his presence.

Jungkook keeps stealing glances at his husband, not being able to keep his eyes away. Taehyung looks adorable while he sips his milkshake with the straw. His puckered lips give a baby-like look to his face.

"Uh... so how's it going, Taehyung?" Jungkook asks, not being able to take the silence anymore.

The younger looks at him from his glass and shrugs, "Everything's good." Jungkook doesn't know if he imagined it or Taehyung actually sounded really blunt. Does he not want him here? The thought makes him upset.

"Ah, that's nice." He awkwardly says and continues to eat his ice-cream. A few moments pass in silence. Yoongi keeps glancing at the stylist from time to time. He can't help but think that the other is beautiful. "Your hands are pretty, Taehyung." He compliments him, eyes stuck on the hand which is holding the straw of the milkshake.

Jungkook feels the familiar burning sensation within his chest again when he sees Taehyung's cheeks reddening. "Th-Thank you, hyung."

Jungkook never thought he would be jealous of his own hyung. He never even cared about how many more people Yoongi has collaborated with or how many more songs he has produced in comparison to him. But at this moment, when he can clearly see that the older has his eyes on his husband, he feels jealous.

Had it been a random person, he would've told them off. But this is Min Yoongi, the man who has helped Jungkook a lot since he debuted. Apart from that, he also taught him how to cook. Jungkook is grateful to him for a lot of things and he feels guilty for feeling jealous of him.

He just continues eating his ice-cream, tuning out from the conversation Taehyung and Yoongi are having right now. Even though they're just talking about work, with Taehyung majorly complaining about the amount of work he has lately, he is not interested in listening to it. It's very upsetting for him that his husband is uttering way more words to Yoongi than he has ever spoken to him. But he knows that it's his own fault. Taehyung has written way more words in his texts in the past when he didn't bother replying to him.

Jungkook sighs, shaking his head. This causes Taehyung to look at him curiously. "Are you okay, hyung?" He asks.

This is the first time he talked to him first. He did talk to Jungkook earlier as well but that was only about work related stuff. Other than that, he has been avoiding the idol with everything he has. Jungkook wonders if he remembers the kiss? If he does, then they need to talk about it because ignoring one another over a kiss is a childish thing to do, according to him.

"I'm okay." The older replies.

"Are you sure?" The stylist asks again.

"Hundred percent." Jungkook lies very conveniently. Taehyung nods and goes back to drink the last sip of his milkshake.

When he finally slurps everything down and raises his head, Jungkook notices some milkshake around the corner of his lips which makes him gulp.

Taehyung's lips look so soft. The strawberry chapstick that he uses makes them look more inviting. The milkshake at the corner of his lips is begging to be sucked by him.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now