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A/N- A very long chapter so a lot of votes and comments are appreciated :)

Happy Reading💜

The next few days have been really hectic for Taehyung. His training period is soon going to be over and he'll have people of his own to work with--- people he would be styling for. He is excited about this new stage in his career but he is also nervous. He is not good with people.

He sighs, plopping on the couch in his living room. He just entered the house a few seconds ago, all tired so he decides to rest in the living room for a while before washing up.

The TV is still on which means Jungkook was here a while ago. Or maybe he is still watching but went to the bathroom or something.

After the night when they apologized to each other, everything went back to normal. By normal, I don't mean that they became good friends, kept talking to each other and stuff. I don't mean that they were at each other's throats either. They just pretend as if the other isn't around--- as if they don't live under the same roof.

And it's much easier that way, at least for Taehyung. He knows that his mere existence makes Jungkook feel not so good. He doesn't know how to describe that 'not so good' feeling.

He tries to get everything off his mind and closes his eyes. All he wants to do is relax. He is so drained of energy. He lets the music playing on the TV lull him to sleep.

But just when he is about to doze off, he hears another sound accompanied by the TV.

He opens his eyes to look around and his eyes fall on a phone--- Jungkook's phone.

I wonder where he is. He thinks to himself. The phone stops ringing, only to start ringing again.

Taehyung extends his hand and grabs the phone thinking that it might be something important that Jungkook would want to attend to. He should probably give him his phone.

With that thought in mind, he gets up from the couch, with the phone in his hand. "Jungkook?" He calls his husband out, making his way toward his room.

The phone stops ringing just for a while but the person calls him again. Taehyung tries to look for his husband as soon as he can but the house is really big and the older is nowhere to be seen.

Since the phone has already rung a couple of times, Taehyung wonders if he should answer it. It could be something important. Why else would someone call someone as many times as this person did?

"Jungkook, where are you?" He calls again, but when he gets no response and the phone rings again, he decides to answer it.

He slides the accept icon and brings the phone to his ear, "Hello?"

A gasp is heard from the other side of the phone that confuses him further. "He really answered!" A high-pitched, female voice exclaims.

"I'm sorry, but who's this?" He asks, eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"Wait, he doesn't sound like Jungkook Oppa." The girl mumbles. The next voice is of another female who asks, "Yah, this is our oppa's number, isn't it? Who are you and what are you doing with his phone?"

Taehyung wonders who is calling Jungkook? Why are they calling him Oppa? They don't sound like the idol's cousins. And if they were his friends, he would have their numbers saved, right? 

That's when the situation starts making sense to him. His heart starts beating loudly when suddenly the phone gets snatched from his hands.

He turns around to see a very angry-looking Jungkook glaring at him with hard eyes. He sees him disconnecting the call and gritting his teeth.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now