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It's almost midnight but Jungkook is wide awake. Usually after travelling and before shooting, he needs some good sleep to recharge his energy. But even after having travelled by road from Seoul to Pohang, he isn't feeling sleepy at all.

Sighing, he sits up on his bed. Perhaps a late night workout session would help me sleep. He says to himself. Quickly getting up, he wears his shoes and makes his way to the gym. He had made sure to ask the reception lady where the gym is because he can't stay without working out.

He steps out of the room and walks through the corridor. All the rooms are occupied with their staff. He wonders which one is Taehyung's.

Since morning, he was hoping to see his husband but the younger was nowhere in sight. Today was the beginning of a new and big project in his life and even though he knows that Taehyung doesn't want to talk to him, wishing him all the best wouldn't be so bad, right?

But when they were leaving, he didn't see anyone from the styling team and he couldn't even ask anyone because it would raise suspicion. Jungkook doesn't share about his personal life with many people and it takes time for him to get close to people. Of course, others would start wondering if he suddenly asks them about a stylist who joined them not too long ago.

He also thought about calling Taehyung but immediately dropped the idea. He knows that the younger would only get annoyed and not even answer. He never answered his texts so answering a call is far from a possibility.

Jungkook presses the button of the elevator when he is standing right in front of it.

Soon, the door opens, revealing the person he has wanted to see since morning.

Taehyung is standing there, right in front of him. His slim frame is leaning against the backside wall of the elevator as he is busy typing away on his phone.

"Jungkook-ssi?" A female voice exclaims and he finally tears his gaze away from his husband and looks at the woman. "Heedo-ssi, where are you guys going so late at night?" Jungkook asks, getting inside the elevator before the door can close.

Now Taehyung's eyes are on him too, making him feel a little nervous. He looks at him with an expressionless face which is the most scary thing he has ever seen.

"Oh, we just reached here. We had to stay back because of some last minute work." The senior stylist replies.

"Oh, you guys must be tired." Jungkook says, looking at his husband from the corner of his eyes but he sees him typing away on his phone again, looking so unbothered by his presence. That kind of bothers Jungkook but he dares not show it.

"Where are you going so late at night, Jungkook-ssi?" Heedo asks.

"Uhh... To the gym." The idol replies, rubbing the back of his neck. He knows that his answer sounds weird.

Taehyung's ears perk up at the reply but his eyes stay fixated on his phone. He doesn't want to show his husband how his presence affects him--- how much it makes him angry.

But right now he is curious to know why Jungkook is going to the gym so late at night. What kind of a weird late night workout session does he follow?

"Can't sleep?" Heedo asks the idol.

Taehyung fights an urge to frown when he sees the other male nod from the corner of his eyes. So Jungkook exercises when he can't sleep.

Taehyung can't help but think how weird it is that he doesn't know anything about his husband but the other stylist does. He can't help but feel jealous.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now