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A very long chapter ahead--- 10K+ words. It's also one of the most awaited chapters. It was SOOOO difficult to write and I'm so anxious so please PLEASE show some extra love with a lot of votes and comments. Happy reading!


Taehyung's initial plan was to surprise Baekhyun by suddenly popping up into his room but when they were on the way to his room, they found the other male by the wending machine, looking at it sneakily. Knowing Baekhyun, Taehyung is sure that he's just checking if any doctor or nurse is around before he can finally get his favourite can of Coke.

Taehyung smiles looking at him. The older seems just like a child to him most of the time. His husband on the other hand looks shocked. Well, not that shocked because he is already aware that his best friend is admitted to this hospital but he really doesn't want to bump into him when he's with Taehyung. He has plans of telling Taehyung about everything and Baekhyun too if the other gives him a chance someday but coming face to face like this with him is so sudden.

Jungkook wants to disappear from here because he knows Baekhyun would lash out at him again when he sees him and he doesn't want that to happen in front of his husband--- not when the poor guy is so clueless about everything.

"Where's your friend? Let's go, Tae." Jungkook nudges the younger, already turning around before Baekhyun sees him.

But when he sees Taehyung sneakily walking in the opposite direction, his eyes widen and his heart starts thudding for some reason.

He slowly turns around and gulps when he sees his husband standing behind his best friend's wheelchair and covering his eyes.

"Bacon hyung, guess who!" Taehyung looks so happy and excited seeing Jungkook's best friend.

The idol gulps. Is Baekhyun the friend Taehyung was talking about all this time?

Jungkook's breathing becomes shallower as the realisation punches him in the gut.

He wants to turn around and run away before the other two males--- the two very important people in his life notice him shaking like a leaf but he also can't move his legs as if they're stuck on the floor with a fucking glue.

"OMG IS THAT MY FOREVER FRIEND?" Baekhyun exclaims happily. Jungkook is shocked. He hasn't seen his best friend looking so happy ever since everything happened.

"Bacon hyung~~~ The least you could've done was pretend to not know. Or maybe took a bit of time before hitting the bullseye." Taehyung whines, stomping his feet. Baekhyun only laughs and hugs Taehyung's waist. The stylist doesn't take a second to reciprocate.

Never in his life did Jungkook think that a day would come when he would be jealous of his own husband. But seeing his best friend smiling at Taehyung, looking happier than ever while every time Jungkook tried to talk to him, he yelled at him, hurt the idol's ego and his feelings.

According to Taehyung, he met this 'friend' from the hospital (who turned out to be Jungkook's own best friend) very recently. How did Taehyung manage to creep into Baekhyun's heart when it seems to Jungkook that he has constructed walls around his heart?

Well, that's Jeon Taehyung for you. He's a force that you cannot ignore. And Baekhyun, well the guy's a sweetheart, always friendly and a literal social butterfly most of the time. Maybe he ups his walls only around Jungkook because he wants to avoid him like a plague?

"Jungkook!" Taehyung's cheerful voice brings him out of his chain of thoughts, "Come and meet my friend here."

At the name Taehyung just mentioned, Baekhyun looks in the direction the stylist is looking and his eyes bulge out of their sockets.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now