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It's this book's first double update!! I was gonna update on Friday but because of Mr. Kim Taehyung, here I am. Make sure to read the previous chapter before this one. Happy Reading💜


After taking a few hours to settle in, Taehyung is finally done. He looks at his office and smiles appreciatively. He has brought some photos with him, of his parents, Seokjin, Jimin and Yeontan. If it was Taehyung from a few months back and if he wasn't at HYBE, he would probably put a picture of himself with Jungkook too. At that time, he had hope and now, he doesn't want to have any hope because he knows that it's going to crumble again.

A knock at the door interrupts his thoughts. "Come in." He replies, the feeling of having his own office has finally started sinking in.

Soon the door pushes open and a staff from Extravaganza walks in while carrying a cardboard box with both his hands. "Taehyung-ssi, the clothes are here." He says as he places the box on the floor.

"Thank you. Do all their clothes have proper tags?" Taehyung asks, getting up from his seat and walking towards the staff.

"Yes, I checked before bringing them here."

"Then let's take these clothes to their practice room. I'll ask them to try them on so that there is no last minute hassle in case there are any issues." The stylist says.

"Okay." The staff replies, picking the box again and walking towards the practice room of BTS.

A few minutes later, Taehyung finds himself in the practice room. The members have already finished whatever they were supposed to do today. Jungkook is not in the room.

"Taehyung-ssi, hi!" Namjoon is the first person to notice him. He flashes his famous dimpled smile, making the inner fanboy in Taehyung squeal. But he squeals internally. He needs to stay professional, remember?

"What's in the box, Taehyung-ssi?" Hoseok asks, curiously walking towards the box.

"It's obviously our outfits, stupid." Yoongi rolls his eyes, making Taehyung chuckle.

"Yes, that's right. As you know that we will be shooting the MV in four days from now, I want you all to try out your outfits. We don't want any last minute problems." Taehyung says.

The members nod at his statement. He crouches down on the floor and starts opening the box. "Please try the clothes out and show me." The young stylist instructs as he starts handing the members their outfits that have their name on the tag.

"Where is Jungkook-ssi?" He asks when only the maknae's clothes are left in the box.

"He went to take a shower. He got all sweaty from the practice." Namjoon replies. Taehyung nods and tells them to go try their own outfits while he waits for the other idol.

Thankfully, he doesn't have to wait for long as the youngest idol walks inside the room, rubbing his wet hair with a towel. He whistles the tune of DNA and doesn't pay attention to anything else.

After hearing the whistle, Taehyung raises his head up and looks at his husband. He can't help but think how good Jungkook looks. Even though he is still angry with the other, he won't deny that he is incredibly attractive.

When Jungkook notices Taehyung, he stops whistling and stops in his tracks altogether. "Uh... Hey, Taehyung." He greets him softly, feeling really nervous.

All this time, he just wanted Taehyung to reply to his messages but when the stylist is here, he doesn't know what to speak.

"Jungkook-ssi, I would appreciate it if you act professional here. I don't think we're close enough for you to talk informally with me." Taehyung says, standing up from the floor. He is glad that no one is here. The rest of the members have gone to try their clothes on and the staff from Extravaganza has already left.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now