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A/N: Thank me later for the early update😌

Loneliness doesn't always mean the absence of people around you with whom you can talk. It doesn't mean the sadness of being the only one surrounded by many things that interest you but you still feel distant to them. Sometimes loneliness is the feeling of being on your own even when you're surrounded by people. It's the feeling of not being able to hear anything when people are laughing and having a good time. It's the feeling of not being able to smile until you force it. It's a constant reminder that you are on your own and you're not happy.

Taehyung feels the same way. He always has actually but he tried to not let this feeling get to him as he kept himself busy with his studies and part time job earlier when he was in university in the UK. If he had friends, he wouldn't have felt that lonely but racism is real and he was hated on a lot and got bullied for being an Asian so he really didn't have any friends.

Taehyung still doesn't know what's so wrong in being an Asian. Aren't they people? How do some people think that they are superior to others? There's literally no different. They're all people. Everyone has one brain, two hands, two legs, one heart--- literally everything is the same! Then why are Asians treated differently? Why do racist and xenophobic people even exist?

This was something Taehyung thought all his academic life in the UK. The feeling of being alienated made him more lonely. But he still studied his ass off and worked the rest of the time to pass the time. Seokjin would call him on a daily basis to support him and so did Jimin and that's how he survived that hell.

But on the brighter side, he got his degree and a good job. He is a stylist now and when he excels at it, he might try his hands at designing.

The job and success are the two things who have kept him going in life and the songs of BTS have kept him motivated. His husband has contributed in it too by writing those beautiful, meaningful songs that comforted Taehyung all the time even though he was also a reason of his loneliness. Oh, the irony!

When Taehyung came back to Korea and started working, he made a few friends at work for a change but he knew he couldn't open up about his personal life to them so he decided to hang out less with them.

On the brighter side, he works in the same company as Seokjin does because of which he can have his best friend by his side at least.

But now after getting injured and staying at home for a few days straight, he feels so bored. Jungkook went back to his dorm and Jimin came to live with him and help him with stuff but he still feels lonely when his brother-in-law goes to work. He's just not used to staying in such a big house for so many days at a stretch all alone. When the Covid 19 pandemic was at its peak, Taehyung had gone to live with his in-laws during the lockdown which prevented him from getting bored and feeling this lonely.

He sighs, keeping the fashion magazine that he had been reading, aside. He decides to take a walk in the garden. His feet have healed quite a lot and he can walk now without groaning much so he just wants to go back to work.

When he talked to Seokjin about it, he told him that he will be giving him two more days off so that he is really okay before coming back. Sometimes Taehyung just wonders what he would do without Seokjin. He is literally the best person in his life.

As he takes a walk in the garden, his eyes fall on the spot he had fallen the other night and had the thorns pierce his feet. He also remembers how Jungkook carried him everywhere. A small smile makes its way on his face. His husband actually helped him without being an asshole and for a change, he didn't hold that against him.

Taehyung's phone buzzes in his hand with a message. He quickly checks it and sees that's its from Jimin, suggesting that they should go for some grocery shopping. Taehyung agrees immediately because he is bored as fuck in the house.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now