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It's already the third day of the shoot. The day before yesterday ended with the group shooting one-third of the MV. They mostly shot the group scenes that day so it was more hectic attending to four people at the same time.

Yesterday, they shot the individual scenes of Hoseok and Yoongi. Taehyung had fun. Hoseok is a very lively person. You can't be sad in his presence. He doesn't allow that. And Yoongi is grumpy at times but a total softie from the inside.

Taehyung has realized that the members don't have different on-camera and off-camera personalities. They don't pretend in front of the camera. Well, his husband's acts are still questionable but he isn't a bad or rude person. He's more on the stupid side is what Taehyung thinks about him.

Today is the last day of the MV shooting. They are going to shoot Namjoon and Jungkook's individual scenes. Taehyung hopes Jungkook doesn't create any problems for him. It's not like he has these past couple of days but you never know with Jungkook.

"We'll be starting in ten minutes. Taehyung-ssi, can you please go and check if Jungkook and Namjoon are ready?" Eunwoo asks the stylist who is busy checking on the background artists.

"Sure." Taehyung nods, making his way to the vanity van. As soon as he steps inside, he feels a wave of cool air relaxing him. He has been working outside for the past few minutes and the humidity is making him sweaty. Thank god, the vanity vans are air-conditioned.

"Taehyung! Good thing you're here. I was going to tell someone to send you here." Namjoon exclaims, waving his hand in his direction.

"What happened, hyung?" Taehyung asks, taking in the appearances of both the idols. He looks at the makeup artists and instructs them, "Please retouch their makeup. We start in ten minutes."

The makeup artists approach them while he goes near Namjoon, who shows him his phone. "Do you think I should post this picture on Instagram or this one?" The older asks, showing him two pictures of himself in his gallery. It looks like he probably took them at some museum.

"I think both of them are good, hyung. You look handsome." Taehyung honestly tells him.

"Do I?" The rapper flashes a dimpled smile to the younger.

"Obviously, hyung. But the first one looks more aesthetic, you know?" Taehyung says, comparing the two pictures. "Well, I trust your opinion, Taehyung. Jungkook here told me that these two pictures look exactly the same. I mean--- from which angle do they look the same?" Namjoon rolls his eyes, glaring at the maknae.

"Not everyone has an eye for good photos, hyung. What can you do about it?" Taehyung comments, making Namjoon and the makeup artists laugh at his husband's cost.

The younger idol looks at his husband from the corner of his eyes. He knows that these kinds of jokes are harmless but the fact that his husband laughs and talks with others while he barely glances at him makes him sad.

He sees Namjoon and Taehyung talking about the picture as the stylist tells him how he should edit it for better results. Jungkook can't help but feel jealous. Now that he has seen Taehyung closely and got time to be around him for a little while, he knows how amazing of a person he is.

Why are you even upset, Jungkook? You brought this upon yourself. His inner self tells him, making him feel annoyed at himself again.

The time passes quickly and finally, Eunwoo appears, telling them that they are ready for the shoot. "Let's go, Jungkook-ah." Namjoon says, getting up and making his way towards the exit of the vanity van.

The younger idol stands up to follow him but the stylist's voice stops him, "Jungkook hyung, wait!"

The idol turns towards him, raising his eyebrows questioningly. Wordlessly, Taehyung walks close to him and stands right in front of him.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now