Fifty Eight

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Taehyung hurriedly slips out of his shoes as soon as he enters the house and rushes inside.

Jungkook had told him a few days ago that he invited Jimin and Yoongi to their place for dinner. Since everyone seemed to have a free schedule in the evening, the timing was suitable for all four of them.

But last night Taehyung told Jungkook that he had to finish one design he was working on and that he would be working late today.

Jungkook was a bit upset. After having a hectic schedule during the past two weeks where he spent one week in LA, he wanted to spend some time with his husband. Since cooking is Taehyung's new hobby, he thought that maybe he could teach him some recipes and this way they could spend some time together doing 'normal' couple things.

But these days, Taehyung seems to be busier. When Jungkook asks what's he working on so diligently, the only reply he gets is that he's working on a really big project and he cannot afford to be distracted or make any mistakes. This is the biggest project of his life.

Jungkook understands. Of course, he does. They're a working couple and they don't work a 9 to 5 job. They both have crazy schedules and work irregular hours. It's not easy. But somehow, Jungkook is a bit disappointed. He just wanted to spend some time with his husband, sue him.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung enters the kitchen and swiftly moves to the fridge to get some water. "I'm sorry I'm late. Do you need any help?" He asks before gulping down some water.

The idol sighs, stirring the contents of the pot, "No, everything's done. Go get changed. Yoongi hyung and Jimin would be here any minute now."

Taehyung can feel that his husband doesn't sound very cheerful. Maybe he's just tired of making all the food.

"Are you tired, babe? You should've asked ajumma for help." Taehyung says, moving behind Jungkook to slowly massage his shoulders.

The idol covers the pot as he waits for the contents to come to a boil. He closes his eyes, feeling his husband's touch on his body. After practising like crazy, he felt like he couldn't feel his hands and legs anymore. A massage is just what he needs.

"But I wanted you to help." He pouts.

Taehyung feels bad. He knows how excited Jungkook was about this whole deal of teaching him some new recipes. But what could he do? This project is very important for his career so he couldn't just say no when Director Ku asked him to come.

The stylist runs his hand up his husband's back and squeezes his shoulder before dipping it inside the idol's shirt. He slowly feels his collarbone, neck and chest.

When Jungkook feels his hand under his shirt, his heartbeat quickens and since it is right above his chest, he knows that Taehyung can feel it.

"I'm sorry, Kook hyung," Taehyung says innocently but something tells Jungkook that the other is smirking even though he can't see him as he is standing behind him.

Taehyung moves closer to him and brings his face right next to his earlobe.

His warm breath sends shivers all over Jungkook's body.

The younger sensually bites his earlobe, eliciting a groan from him but he sucks it to soothe the pain, making the idol moan this time.

"Please forgive me, Kookie. I promise I'll make it up to you." Taehyung's voice is seductive and his index finger makes circular patterns on his husband's nipple, teasing him, making sure that each word he says and each action reaches his husband's cock.

Jungkook knows what he's doing. He's trying to lift his mood but also put him in another mood which would make Jungkook forget that Taehyung couldn't spend time with him.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now