Forty One

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"Tell me what? Is Taehyung hiding something from me again?"

After that one statement from Jungkook, the room is pin-drop silent. Seokjin can only curse at the situation because he came here at this hour thinking Jungkook wouldn't be home and he would be able to talk to Taehyung without being interrupted. After all, Jimin had informed him how his brother wasn't aware of Taehyung's situation. But he doesn't know how come Jungkook came here. He had verified from Heedo that BTS had an interview so they would be busy.

Taehyung, on the other hand, is stunned. His eyes are wide, his mouth slightly agape. He visibly trembles in his place.

Fucking great. How dare I think something would go right in my life!

"Taehyung, are you--- you're not hiding anything from me, right? Tell me you're not." His husband looks at him with hopeful eyes.

Jungkook can fight anything--- he can fight this whole world if he has Taehyung by his side. All he wants is for Taehyung to trust him and he'd do anything in his power to make things right and a bit easier for them.

"I---" Taehyung doesn't know what to say.

Should he tell him the truth?

Is it the right time to do so?

What if Jungkook gets mad?

He closes his eyes for a few seconds, taking a deep breath.

Maybe he should just tell him. If he tells him, a huge weight would be lifted off his shoulders. He won't feel stressed anymore, at least not as much.

Just tell him, Tae. Don't think too much. Just tell him! His inner voice screams at him.

"Tae," Jungkook approaches his husband slowly, he can very well see the other fighting himself and his thoughts. The frown on his face and his troubled eyes are enough for him to know that.

"Jungkook, I need to tell you something." The younger says. He fiddles with the hem of his hoodie, eyes cast down because he knows the moment he looks at his husband, all the courage that he gathered would be gone.

"Yes, tell me, baby." The idol says, approaching his husband and cupping his cheeks. He lifts his face ever so gently to make him look at him.

He sees tears in the younger's eyes. Jungkook is not a fool. He has been noticing his husband's behavior lately. He knows that things are terribly wrong with Taehyung and he desperately wants to talk to him about it. But whenever he tries to approach the topic, the younger just says that he's tired or he's sleepy and doesn't let Jungkook talk to him. It's like the younger has been shutting him out and it hurts him.

"J-Jungkook, I... I wanna tell you that..." Taehyung tries to speak but his breathing starts getting heavier and his throat feels clogged. He has to fight himself to let a single word pass his mouth.

"Yes, love. I'm here. I'm listening. Tell me what is it?" The idol places a long kiss on his forehead, wanting him to know that there's nothing he should worry about.

"I--- I wanna tell you that..." Taehyung gulps, his hand fisting his husband's t-shirt right above his chest.

"You can tell me, Tae. There's absolutely nothing to be scared of." Jungkook tries again. His worry for Taehyung increases with every passing second.

"The thing is..." The younger takes a deep breath and looks down, "I w-won't be going to Paris with you."

Taehyung couldn't say it.

He really fought an inner battle with himself to tell his husband but at the last moment, somehow his cowardly side won and he ended up lying.

There's absolute silence in the room. Both Jungkook and Seokjin are looking at him, the latter being a bit disappointed because according to him, this was the perfect opportunity for Taehyung to tell his husband the truth.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now