Forty Nine

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Jungkook rolls the window of the car down and lets the fresh breeze gently caress his face. The smell of wet soil immediately hits his nose as the lake of Bacalar comes into view.

The idol smiles and turns to his side to look at his husband, hoping to see him enjoying the view as well but an involuntary sigh escapes his lips when he sees his husband leaning back with his eyes closed.

Taehyung slept during the whole flight from Seoul to New York, from where they took another flight to reach Cancun. Then they took a cab from Cancun to travel to Bacalar. The journey may seem tiring but after seeing the natural beauty, Jungkook can say that this is worth it.

He wanted Taehyung to notice all this too, it would help him clear up his mind. But it seems like his husband isn't interested. Or if he is, maybe he's too tired to enjoy it just yet.

The younger got discharged from the hospital three days ago. Since he found out that Jungkook is on a break, he practically clings to him as if his life depends on it. He doesn't want to stay away from Jungkook even for a while.

The idol doesn't blame him. His husband is having a really hard time. From nightmares to anxiety attacks, everything seems scary. So if him being close to him consoles the younger, he'd never leave his side ever.

Jungkook decides to let the stylist sleep a bit more. They have a lot of time to explore this town later anyway.

In the meantime, he takes out his phone to check his social media. He needs to know if he got spotted at NYC or Incheon Airport or not. He was very discreet though. He and Taehyung even entered the airport in South Korea five minutes apart from each other so that even if someone saw Jungkook, they wouldn't bug Taehyung. But it seems like no one saw them and things went smoothly, thanks to Jungkook's manager who got a permit for them to use the VIP entry instead of the main entry.

After a few minutes, the driver lets him know that they have already reached. Jungkook looks out and smiles when his eyes fall on the beautiful villa he booked for their stay here.

He turns to look at Taehyung who is still sleeping with a pout adorning his lips. "Tae," he calls out ever so softly, "Wake up, baby. We're here." He gently shakes him and Taehyung wakes up, getting startled. He is already a light sleeper and with everything going on in their lives, he has become more alert, even while sleeping.

Taehyung looks around in confusion but when Jungkook tells him again that they have reached, he heaves a sigh and nods.

The idol gets out of the car and jogs to the other side to open the door for his husband meanwhile the driver takes out their luggage from the trunk.

Taehyung lets his husband talk to the driver and settle the payment while he looks around the villa with wide, curious eyes.

The place is beautiful. It's built on the side of the lake of Bacalar, surrounded by nature. The greenery and the blue of the lake make Taehyung fall in love with the place instantly.

Hurriedly, he opens the main gate and starts walking inside.

When Jungkook sees his husband rushing in like that, he immediately thanks the driver, grabs their luggage and starts walking quickly to catch up with the other.

He places the luggage on the doorstep and unlocks the door. Taehyung patiently waits for his husband to open the door as he admires the beautiful trees on the lawn and the lake in front of the villa.

 Taehyung patiently waits for his husband to open the door as he admires the beautiful trees on the lawn and the lake in front of the villa

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