Forty Six

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Yoongi curses under his breath as he hears the doorbell ring for the third time.

Who is it so early in the morning? He doesn't have a schedule until the evening today. His manager and the housekeeper have the passcode. They let themselves in when Yoongi doesn't answer the doorbell. So if the doorbell is still ringing, it means that it isn't someone he trusts.

Groaning, he gets out of bed. His eyes fall on the wall clock that reads 12:37 PM.

Yes, it's so early.

He was at the company till 5 o'clock in the morning. He slept very late and he still has work later. Who the fuck thought that it would be a good idea to disrupt his peaceful sleep?

He walks near the door and answers the video doorbell.

A frown appears on his face when he sees who it is. Instantly, he opens the door, coming face to face with Jimin who looks too out of it.

"Jimin? What are you doing here?" He asks the younger who sways on either side.

Did he get drunk first thing in the morning? Yoongi wonders.

"Hi, hyung!" The younger exclaims brightly.

"Definitely not sober." The rapper mutters to himself before grabbing the other by his arm and pulling him inside the house.

"How come you're always drunk when you meet me?" Yoongi asks, making his way toward the couch and forcing Jimin to sit on it.

"I'm not drunk." The younger male smiles cutely.

The other rolls his eyes, "Yeah and I'm in love with you."

That one statement instantly sobers up the younger. The smile he was wearing slowly evaporates as he gets reminded once again that the person he likes with his everything doesn't like him back.

With everything going on in his life--- with all the personal problems he is dealing with and with the problems he got into with Jungkook because he was with Taehyung in hiding the whole pregnancy thing, he was terribly upset. He felt stuck between the couple and his own feelings annoyed him even more. He hates how lonely he feels whenever he sees his brother with his husband.

He feels jealous. He knows he shouldn't be and he isn't jealous of the two of them. He is jealous of the fact that even though they have their differences sometimes, even though they fight, at the end of the day, they're still together with the person they love.

In the case of Jimin, the man he fell in love with is the man who fell in love with his brother's husband. What kind of fucked up relationship dynamics is this?

He felt so tired of everything that was going on in his mind that he decided to take a day off from work and drink a bit to let loose.

But when he gets drunk, he starts missing Yoongi and he somehow ended up coming here to see him because no matter what, Yoongi has the power of bringing comfort to him.

But the rapper just casually joked about how he isn't in love with Jimin and that really pinches his heart. He suddenly doesn't want to stay here. He shouldn't have come here in the first place. All he did was hurt his already hurting heart more.

"Yeah, you're not," Jimin whispers, feeling pathetic for showing up like this, drunk and unannounced, at the other's house.

"I'm sorry for di-disturbing you, hyung. I'll go now." He starts walking towards the door, making the older frown.

Yoongi grabs him once again and pulls him back on the couch, "You're not going anywhere in this state. You're wasted, Jimin. Why would you even drink early in the morning?" The older's voice is stern as he scolds him.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now