Forty Three

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Pain changes people. It makes them trust less, overthink more, and shut people out.

Jungkook knows that. He has had a first-hand experience with that in the past. But a few years of therapy and hanging out with his members really changed him. He slowly realized how to let go of the past that cannot be changed but to embrace the present to have a brighter future.

Jungkook understands the importance of time and the people who have been there with you when you are going through a hard time. Apart from his parents, brother, and members, he also thought that no matter how his relationship was with Taehyung all these years, at least he was there with him, texting him all the time, telling him what happened even when Jungkook didn't ask or write back--- just like a personal diary.

That made Jungkook believe that maybe Taehyung trusts him. He knows it was foolish on his part to assume that. He hadn't done anything to make Taehyung believe that he could trust him. But foolishly he believed that his husband did just because he told him about his day over the texts.

But years down the lane, when Jungkook actually started working hard to make their marriage work and then when Taehyung told him about whatever happened with him in the UK, he felt like maybe they have established mutual trust. After all, what Taehyung told him that night at the cliff was about his darkest days. Why would he tell him if he didn't trust him?

Trust is the base of any relationship. One time, you can think about being in a relationship without love given there's trust and respect between the partners. But if there's love but no trust and respect, can that relationship even exist?

Jungkook shakes his head as he walks around the company building. He's tired as hell and he'd love to directly go home and cuddle Taehyung to sleep but he just has to be here. So he came here straight from the airport after landing.

The employees look at him with pity because it's clear how tired the idol looks. They wonder why he's here but no one dares to ask him because for the first time in their life have they seen Jeon Jungkook looking so unapproachable.

After a few minutes, he reaches the terrace of the company building and sighs.

The place, where there is usually no one, is crowded with people. It's decorated for a shoot, blinding lights lighting up the night. The air is pleasant as the winter is coming to an end.

Jungkook looks around to find the person he's looking for but he can't see him anywhere. Instead, his eyes land on his best friend.

He quickly makes his way to the man who is standing near the railing of the terrace at one corner, quietly watching everything that's going on.

"Since when did you start visiting the company?" Jungkook asks, startling the other.

"Well, Bighit artists are my clients. My stylists work for you all." Seokjin says, casually shrugging his shoulders.

Jungkook frowns, keeping his eyes straight, trying to find his husband among the crew. "But you never usually came here before. What's the reason?" The idol asks.

 What's the reason?" The idol asks

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Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now