Forty Four

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The house is dark and silent. It's not even that late. Barely 11 PM but his parents prefer going to bed early and waking up early while his brother retires to his room or his home office to work after dinner. Jungkook and Taehyung are the two in the family with a very untimely schedule hence finding the house dark and cold after returning from the office at this hour is something Jungkook had already expected.

He walks as slowly as possible, not wanting his footsteps to make a sound because his parents recently bought a beautiful basket with cute blankets for Yeontan to sleep in and they placed it under the stairs after decorating it beautifully to give him a house of his own to the dog.

In the middle of the night, Jungkook doesn't want him to wake up and start barking, waking up the whole house in the process, especially Taehyung who has trouble sleeping lately. Jungkook remembers when the younger told him that he had stopped taking the sleeping pills and now he knows why--- because of pregnancy. Sleeping pills are harmful to pregnant people and their babies.

So if at all Taehyung is sleeping right now, Jungkook wouldn't want to wake him up.

But when Jungkook reaches his room, he sees faint light seeping in through the small space under the door.

The lights are on, which means Tae is still awake.

Slowly, he holds the doorknob and silently twists it open.

He sees something very unexpected in front of his eyes.

His husband is sitting on the bed, reclining on the headboard, and supporting his back with multiple pillows and cushions. He is listening to Baepsae. Knowing him, he's probably streaming BTS, fulfilling his ARMY duties as he likes to call it.

But what surprises Jungkook more is that Taehyung has a needle in his hand and he is knitting!

Now Taehyung may be a stylist but Jungkook didn't take him for the knitting type.

The younger is singing along the lines while his whole concentration is on the cloth he is knitting.

Slowly, Jungkook steps inside the room. Taehyung is too focused to even look at him so he clears his throat to grab his attention.

When the idol fails to do that because of Baepsae blasting, not quite literally, near Taehyung, he decides to use his voice.

"Tae, you know that sounds have an effect on unborn babies, right? Why would you make our baby vibe to Baepsae when they're still inside you?" Jungkook comments, finally gaining his husband's attention.

Even in this complicated situation, the words 'our baby' don't fail to make Taehyung blush as pink coats his cheeks beautifully.

In an attempt to keep the air light, Taehyung says, "I wanna be an ARMY mom so..."

Jungkook looks at him endearingly. The smile on Taehyung's face explains how much this means to him. This makes the idol smile too, "Oh, that song would make the baby hyper as fuck."

Taehyung's eyes widen when he hears Jungkook's words. He grabs a cushion and throws it on his husband, smacking him right across his face, "Mind your language! Our baby is here!"

Jungkook just stares at his husband. The younger looks so cute and at the same time, vulnerable. The older instantly feels bad about what happened in his studio. He shouldn't have left his pregnant husband all alone and worried him the entire night. He feels shitty about that but that doesn't mean he's over everything. Maybe both of them need some time and a serious conversation.

"Jungkook," Taehyung snaps him out of his chain of thoughts.

The older looks at him who is already looking at him shyly, "Yes?" He asks.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now