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The office is bustling with activities. Everyone is super busy. If you enter the HYBE building now, you can see people running here and there with documents, a technical team is setting up the cameras for the group and the makeup artists rushing after the idols to touch up their makeup.

"Taehyung-ssi, is everyone ready?" Eunwoo asks, panting because he ran all the way from their practice room to the dressing room.

"Yes, they are." The stylist replies.

"Good. We'll be going live in ten minutes." Eunwoo informs him. Today is the day of the comeback. The music video has already released a few hours ago. The staff is talking about how it is already on its way to break new records.

Taehyung is dying to watch it because even though it got shot in front of him, the shooting took place in bits and pieces and he is very excited to see the final outcome.

But since morning, he has been very busy. The group had a press conference to attend, which took a few hours. Now they have to go live to meet ARMYs. After that, they don't really have anything to do and they can finally breathe. Today has been the most hectic day so far in Taehyung's career.

"Guys, are you all ready?" Taehyung asks when he goes inside the changing room.

"Yes." The group unanimously answers.

"Good. Now let's go to your practice room." The stylist instructs. Everyone gets up and starts making their way to the room where everything is set up.

Taehyung slowly follows them, feeling really tired. He now realises how hard the staff works behind the scenes. He remembers when Namjoon said that fifty percent of their success belongs to ARMYs, five percent each to all the members and the remaining belongs to HYBE and the staff, what did he really mean. There are so many people involved in helping BTS be where they are today.

Once they reach the practice room, the members sit in front of the camera. Taehyung sits next to Eunwoo, finally getting a moment to relax.

One of the members of the technical team tells them that they're about to go live now and when the boys nod, he presses the live icon.

Taehyung's phone flashes with a notification. His favourite notification from the V LIVE app.

[BTS]🔴Starting LIVE

He smiles remembering how he used to leave everything and switch on the live earlier. But now he just puts away his phone and looks in front of himself because everything is happening right in front of his eyes now.

The members start talking with each other, occasionally reading the comments from ARMYs. Taehyung has a hard time controlling his laughter because of how funny the boys are.

"The music video of Yet To Come has already gained so many million views and we haven't even watched it yet." Namjoon says.

"Let's see the video then." Hoseok suggests. As if it were a cue, a member of the technical team gets up and quickly puts on the music video of Yet To Come. Taehyung curiously watches too, excited to see the video and the reaction of the members.

The video came out really well. He is sure that it's going to break so many records. Taehyung feels proud of being a part of this project.

He wonders what he would've done had he not been a stylist. When he had decided to become a stylist and pursue his higher education in the UK, things weren't exactly the best between him and Jungkook. But still he feels like his husband has played some role in his success. Well, there's still a long way to go for Taehyung but he wouldn't even have thought of becoming a stylist if it weren't for Jungkook who made him think about his future.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now