Twenty Two

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Hey guys! Look who's back. I'm sorry for being away but I'm kinda busy these days. This chapter is a long one as a compensation. I hope you don't hate me. Happy Reading💜


The tapping on the table is the only sound that can be heard in the silence of the room. Seokjin stares at his best friend, a look of disbelief clouding his face.

Taehyung told the older about what Jungkook said to him last night--- about moving in together and now he is waiting for a reaction from him.

For Seokjin, this news is really surprising. He could see that Jungkook is trying to make efforts to make their relationship better, given he has been taking care of his best friend lately and he's being nice to him. But he didn't expect him to be that serious just yet. With moving in comes so many responsibilities. If Jungkook suggested the idea, it means that he is willing to take them.

"Hyung, say something please." Taehyung says, nervously swinging his legs as he waits for his best friend to say something.

"Are you hundred percent sure about this, Taehyung? Because this is a very big decision that will be affecting both your futures. Nothing's gonna be the same anymore." Seokjin says patiently. He would, of course, agree with whatever his best friend wants because it's literally his life. But he needs to show him the clear picture of what might happen in the future.


"Will you move back to our house--- with me?" Jungkook asks, looking at him expectantly.

To say Taehyung is shocked upon hearing his husband ask this would be an understatement. He can see the efforts Jungkook is putting for him and that makes him happy even though he doesn't show it. But that doesn't mean he would immediately agree with him because that's risky as fuck.

Taehyung shakes his head to clear his mind before he asks, "Why, Jungkook? Weren't you scared? Weren't you always scared of people finding out that we're--- married? You know this is a big risk specially when no one knows. So why now?"

Jungkook can hear the pain in his husband's voice and that sends a wave of guilt through his body again. Whatever Taehyung said just now is the truth and the thought itself is terrifying but this time, he isn't going to let his brain mess things up again. He knows that if he wants to fix things, he needs to stay strong and not let his determination sway because of negative thoughts.

"Because I realised my mistake, Taehyung." Jungkook sadly smiles at his husband. He moves his hand closer to Taehyung's and holds it, making him feel warm.

"I'm the biggest idiot on the planet. I have this beautiful human in my life and I took him for granted for years." He says, making circular patterns on his skin with his thumb.

Taehyung's heartbeat quickens at his words and his actions. He isn't blind. He can see the sincerity with which the other is talking to him and he won't lie, it makes him feel slightly warm.

"I know I'm a little--- no, no--- I'm very late. But--- but I want you to give me this last chance and I promise to not disappoint you. I know it won't be easy for you to decide but--- I'm not asking for your forgiveness right now. I promise I'll earn it but I want you to give our bond a chance. I've realised that marriage is something really precious and--- sacred. I want to protect it. I know you probably think I'm still lying but this is the last thing I'm asking of you." Jungkook gulps, looking at his husband with hopeful eyes.

Taehyung stares at him as if trying to make sure that Jungkook is saying the truth. He lets his words sink in deep.

He is really confused. What should he do? He knows that their relationship hasn't been the best ever since they got married. He tried to save it but Jungkook didn't even try back then. Now the other is trying while he is standing still, observing him. He has been doing this for the past couple of weeks and he can't help but think Jungkook is being sincere.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now