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A/N: Finally back with an update. Hope to see a lot of votes and comments🥰. Happy reading💜

"Tae, if you just wanted to sit in the living room all day and watch Run BTS, you could've told me earlier. I wouldn't have planned our trip to Bacalar." An annoyed Jungkook groans.

It's evening now. The sun is about to set. Since morning, all the couple did was laze around. Jungkook wanted to go out and roam around the town but Taehyung was too exhausted. He said that Jungkook might be used to travelling a lot and having a jam-packed schedule during his trips but Taehyung is not. Since they're on vacation, they have all the time in the world. Hence, there's no need for them to hurry. They can relax for a while before starting their expedition.

Jungkook thought that his husband was tired so he let him do his thing for today only to realise that Taehyung was too tired to go out but not to watch Run BTS. He's been at it for a few hours now. It's already his fifth episode of the day.

"Jeon Taehyung, enough!!" Jungkook exclaims, snatching the cushion out of his hand to grab his attention.

"Please, shut up!!" Taehyung exclaims, eyes not leaving the television, "OH MY GAWD, JEON JUNGKOOK'S THIGHS, AAAHH!"

Shyly, Taehyung covers his face. Weirded out by his reaction, Jungkook looks at the screen. The younger is watching the water sports episode of Run BTS in which they were divided into teams of two. Jungkook wore short shorts in it that hugged his thighs deliciously.

Frowning, he gets closer to his husband and stands right in front of him.

Annoyed, Taehyung pouts, trying to push him away because he's blocking his vision and the episode is still playing, "Move away, Kook hyung. I don't want to miss anything!"

Tiredly, the older rolls his eyes. He grabs his husband's hands that were too busy trying to push him away and places them on his chest, "Jeon Taehyung, the man you're simping on is standing right in front of you--- in flesh. You can bite these thighs if you want so--- just turn off the damn T.V. and go out with me!"

That seems to get the other's attention as he looks at his husband dreamily. He twists his hands to free them up only to run them all over his chest, "It's been years but--- why can't I still believe that the Jeon Jungkook is my husband, huh?"

Jungkook smiles at his words while the other just feels his chest and abs up over the clothes. He seems to be in some kind of a daze and honestly, who is Jungkook to complain about it?

"Well, it's our reality, Tae, and now we're going to live every second of it." The older says, running his fingers through his husband's hair.

Taehyung smiles hearing his words. Even in this situation, Jungkook knows exactly what to say or do to make Taehyung feel better. The younger wonders if God sent an angel in the form of Jungkook for him because even though the other is going through a lot on his own, how come he's always there for Taehyung?

"Now let's get you changed. I don't want you to laze around anymore." Jungkook teases while grabbing the hem of his husband's oversized t-shirt and pulls it over his head. Complying with him, Taehyung raises his hands so that the t-shirt is easily removed.

Jungkook picks the hoodie he brought from their bedroom a while ago and starts putting it on the younger. He doesn't let his eyes linger towards Taehyung's chest and that makes the other's heart swell because damn... his husband is so respectful. He has all the rights to look at Taehyung but he doesn't because he knows that the younger isn't in the right state of mind. Jungkook himself doesn't feel that well.

They both have a lot of unsaid words buried in their hearts. There's a lot to talk about. There's a lot they both need to realise but Jungkook doesn't want to rush it. He wants to make Taehyung completely comfortable first before talking to him. He doesn't want him going into a frenzy of emotions like that night at the hospital.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now