Thirty One

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The morning that comes after Taekook's mind-blowing lovemaking session was nothing like how they wanted.

Taehyung woke up and instantly became grumpy. He has been snapping at everyone and everything. Even Yeontan could not survive his wrath. When Taehyung gave him his breakfast, he started running in circles around him, barking happily. But his appa got angry thinking Yeontan is throwing a tantrum to not eat. So he took the food away, grumpily talking to himself about how Jungkook is spoiling his innocent puppy these days.

It is safe to say that Yeontan wasn't the only one who has been on the receiving end of Taehyung's snappy attitude. Currently, Jimin is going through the same, and most probably, he won't be the last person either.

"What happened, Tae? Why are you in such a shitty mood?" Jimin asks. He is driving his car, and Taehyung is sitting in the passenger seat next to him. He came to take Yeontan with him today as he would go to the veterinary doctor with him since both Jungkook and Taehyung are busy.

"Who could be at fault, Jiminie? Of course, your dear brother." Taehyung huffs angrily.

Jimin snorts. He should have guessed. It isn't that hard to guess when it comes to Jungkook and Taehyung. "What did hyung do?" Jimin asks, adding an "again" at the end.

Taehyung immediately turns shy. Jimin presses the brake when the traffic light turns red and he curiously looks at his brother-in-law. "Tae, you're red and you're making me curious."

"Well, we--- we," Taehyung takes a deep breath and closes his eyes before he lets the words slip his mouth, "We made l-love last night."

Jimin's eyes widen and look like they would pop out of his sockets. He is so shocked. He always wanted Jungkook and Taehyung's relationship to work out. He had also decided on a ship name for them once they truly got together. But it took a really long time for it to happen.

"Jimin-ah, say something." Taehyung pokes the other's bicep, trying to get his attention back from his wandering thoughts.

"I'm sorry--- what?" Jimin asks, wanting to confirm once again.

The stylist rolls his eyes before he looks in front. The signal has turned green and people have started honking behind them. "Just start driving first. And don't be so shocked. You wanted us to be like other couples and now we are--- I guess."

Jimin sighs. He starts the car again and drives for a minute or two to reach a less crowded road before he starts speaking. "I really wanted you two to get together, Tae. You guys look amazing together. But things weren't very good between you two and---"

"It was your brother's fault." Taehyung points out.

Jimin shakes his head with a sigh. "That's what it seems like. But Tae," He places his hand on Taehyung's, "Everybody has a story to tell. No one is a bad person. It's the situation that makes them like that."

Jimin's words confuse Taehyung. What is he trying to say? What situation was Jungkook in? "What do you mean?" He asks.

"That's not my story to tell. Maybe when Jungkook hyung is ready, he would tell you. It's just that--- you should know that I wasn't taking his side when I used to tell you to be patient with him all these years. There is a reason for his behavior. But just because he is my brother, that doesn't mean I supported him during all the hard times he put you through. I'm not taking any sides. He's my brother and I love him. But I'm your family too, Tae. And your friend as well. I'm always here for you too. I just really want you and hyung to be together and we would be a family in the true sense."

Taehyung lets Jimin's words sink in deep. So Jungkook is hiding something? Now he realizes how little he knows about his husband. Like he knows everything about his idol life and all the habits he has by observing him at home. But what Jimin said sounds pretty serious too and if he doesn't know about it, then he feels like he is missing a major detail of Jungkook's life.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now