Fifty Two

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"What the fuck are we even doing here again?" The idol groans while the stylist rolls his eyes.

It's been four days since the encounter with the fans. It has been chaotic since then would be an understatement.

The overexcited male fan who had clicked pictures of the couple had posted them online. The caption was 'Look who I spotted in Bacalar! It seems like Jungkook is on a private vacation atm.'

The very caption had confused the netizens. On one side, they were glad that Jungkook was taking some time off because he works so damn hard all the time, but on the other hand, they were utterly confused.

If Jungkook is on a private vacation, then what is his stylist doing there with him?

Everyone came up with a lot of theories--- the possibility of them dating probably topped them all.

Some others said that Jungkook could be there on a schedule because why else would he be there with his stylist? It didn't make sense.

Others suggested that they could be friends.

Amidst all the confusion, everyone waited for the company to speak up but Bighit's statement never came.

To say Jungkook is annoyed would be an understatement. He just wanted to spend some quality time with his husband in a foreign land without getting interrupted. Was it too much to ask for?

But because of whatever happened and his wish to not make anything regarding himself and Taehyung public right now, the company came up with an idea to cover up for this mess.

So now, the couple is standing at the set of Jinny's Kitchen, a cooking show being shot in Bacalar to introduce Korean street food in Mexico.

The producer of the show, Na PD, has worked with BTS in a few Run BTS episodes that were a collaboration with his own show. The company came up with the idea and proposed to Na PD that Jungkook could make a special appearance in the show. That way, whenever the show comes out, probably in a month, everyone would know why was Jungkook in Bacalar with a staff--- for work.

The show makers of Jinny's Kitchen are thrilled to have Jungkook on their set. Why wouldn't they be? It's not easy to have a BTS member on a show without fighting tooth and nail for them and waiting for months to get them on board.

"Stop whining about it, Jungkook. This is the only way to do some damage control." Taehyung says to his irritated husband. The idol wants to do anything but be here at the moment.

"Besides, remember I was craving some Korean food but we couldn't have that Korean barbeque the other day? Well, at least because of this show, I can satisfy my hunger." The stylist says, rubbing his tummy, making his husband smile.

"Fine. Let's do it to satiate your hunger then." Jungkook says as he sees the assistant director approaching them.

"We'll have you enter in fifteen minutes. Are you ready, Jungkook-ssi?" He asks.

"I'll just touch up his makeup and he's good to go." The stylist says with a smile.


After the shoot got wrapped up for the day, Jungkook and Taehyung find themselves sitting at the dock with Wooshik and Seojoon, a couple of beer bottles surrounding them.

"Wow, Tae. I never knew you actually knew Park Seojoon and Choi Wooshik!" Jungkook exclaims, taking a big sip of the beer, eying the two actors with evident jealousy in his eyes.

The stylist laughs, "Well, during my training days, I was working as the assistant of one of the stylists at Extravaganza. She was the stylist for Youn's Stay, a show both Seojoon hyung and Wooshikie hyung were a part of." The younger explains.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now