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Hi!! I'm back with an update for this book after 8 days. You better appreciate me 'cause I've been busy these days. Happy Reading💜


The house is dark and quiet. It's way past midnight when Jungkook finally reaches home. The company dinner was amazing. Even though they were tired, they had a lot of fun. They talked, they sang, they ate, they drank and they just relaxed. Once the dinner was over, all the BTS members realised that this is what they needed after such a long tour.

But now that he reached home, Jungkook wonders if drinking so much was even a good idea. He just wants to sleep. His eyes are already drooping and he walks with staggered steps, wanting nothing but to plop on the bed and go to sleep.

He takes out his phone from the pocket of his jeans so that he can see what's ahead of him. He is too tired to find the switches of the lights. He doesn't know where they are. He rarely spends time in this house. He mostly stays at the dorm. But since they are taking a week off before getting back to work, everyone decided to go to their homes and Jungkook didn't want to stay at the dorm all alone.

After turning the flashlight on, he starts walking towards the staircase. But he fails to calculate the distance and ends up tripping. "Ouch!" He winces in pain and holds his toe as his foot just hit the staircase and made him fall. Thank God, it was the first step itself otherwise he would've gotten injured.

After sitting there and massaging his hurting foot for a little longer, he stands up again and starts making his way towards the room. This time, he makes sure to take the support of the railing while climbing up the stairs.

Soon enough, he finds the room. A smile of victory makes its way on his face and he scurries towards the comfortable looking bed.

He feels hot so he decides to strip off his clothes and sleep comfortably. He takes of his shoes first, then goes his socks, then his shirt and lastly, his jeans. He had a big struggle to get that annoyingly sticky thing out of his legs.

A soft sigh leaves his mouth as he finally lays on the comfortable bed. He covers himself with the comforter and lets the sleep invade his senses.


Taehyung groans when a ray of sunlight hits his eyes. He turns around, pulling the pillow from underneath his head and placing it on his face to block the annoying light. Waking up in the morning is a really hard job for him.

Slowly, he starts falling back to sleep. His breathing starts becoming regular and as soon as he starts going into his dreamland, he hears the sound of barking.

He groans again, getting irritated because Yeontan decided that it would be an amazing idea to bark right next to his ears the first thing in the morning.

"OH MY GOD! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS THING?" Taehyung hears an ear screeching scream and immediately jolts awake. He sits up and his eyes bulge out of their sockets because of the scene he sees in front of him.

For the first time in years, the other side of his bed is occupied. His eyes fall on a very angry Jungkook who is glaring at Yeontan. The dog keeps barking, not getting intimidated by the idol.

"J-Jungkook?" Taehyung is too shocked to do anything else. For example, it doesn't hit him that he should probably get Yeontan away from Jungkook. His boy is literally jumping on his husband's chest as he barks.

"Taehyung? What the fuck are you doing in my room?" Jungkook asks, annoyance clearly evident in his voice, thanks to Yeontan.

"Your room?" Taehyung looks at him as if he has been offended in the worst way possible. "Of course. And get this thing away from me. What even is this?" Jungkook starts prying his hands and shaking his body to make Yeontan fall.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now