Thirty Nine

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It only takes a moment for life to turn completely upside down. One moment, you're having the time of your life, smiling widely, and thanking God for blessing you with such happiness. But the next moment, life decides to flip the switch and shatter your world.

That's exactly how Jungkook feels right now. God knows how fast his heart is racing, how dread is creeping into his chest, and how stressed he is.

The Jeon Mansion, unlike half an hour ago, is really silent. Everyone is worried as they wait for the doctor who is inside the room, checking Taehyung. No one else was allowed inside and Jungkook almost threw a fit because he didn't want his husband to be alone with a stranger. But Jongho handled him somehow.

So now, Jungkook is pacing outside his room, biting his nails nervously as he keeps glancing at the door every minute.

"Jungkook, don't stress too much. Taehyung will be okay." Namjoon tries to calm him down but the younger just shakes his head, "How can I not, hyung? I'm fucking scared. Why did he faint so suddenly? He's a healthy male. How could he faint like that?"

"Taehyung is strong, Kook. Just wait and let the doctor do her work." Namjoon tries again as he rubs his hand on the other's shoulder. The maknae sighs and plops on the floor, his gaze fixed on the door.

This is the first time Namjoon has seen Jungkook worrying so much for someone. Well, he deeply cares about their group, but this--- this is different. It seems like all Jungkook wants to do is take Taehyung's pain away. He is so much in love and that shows in his eyes. Namjoon feels proud of the younger because he still remembers how he threw a fit when Taehyung was appointed as their stylist and said that he doesn't like to be touched by strangers. It seems like their relationship has come a long way since then.

After what feels like an eternity, the door finally opens and the doctor walks out.

Jungkook immediately gets up from the floor and rushes towards her. "How's my husband, doctor?"

Namjoon and Hoseok's eyes widen and so does the doctor's. The other two idols look at their maknae with a look of horror on their faces while the doctor looks stunned.

Jungkook wasn't supposed to blurt out such sensitive information just like that. But it seems like he doesn't care about all that. His main concern right now is Taehyung and Taehyung only.

"H-He is your h-husband, Jungkook-ssi?" The doctor manages to stutter out and that makes the youngest idol realize how big of a mistake he made.

What the fuck did I do? He curses himself. He messed up big time. He basically revealed the deepest secret of his life and---

"I don't think that's important right now, doctor. Just tell us how is Taehyung." Seokjin says. He can't let the others forget why the doctor is here because of the stupidity of his best friend's husband.

"Right. Taehyung-ssi is just exhausted--- most probably he has overworked himself. He isn't eating well too. It's nothing else. I would say that he shouldn't take so much stress and relax for a few days. Make sure he eats on time. Skipping meals becomes dangerous for you sometimes." The doctor says.

Everyone sighs in relief when they realize that it's nothing serious. Jungkook looks at her and asks, "So can we m-meet him now?"

"Sure, he's awake." The doctor informs.

After mumbling a 'thank you', he dashes inside the room.

Namjoon walks closer to the doctor with a pleading look in his eyes, "Doctor... Can we please--- Can you please not tell anyone about what Jungkook said just now?"

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now