Thirty Six

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Taehyung wakes up to feathery touches on the bare skin of his waist. He slowly opens his eyes and looks around. This is not his room. This one is bigger than his own. It's a presidential suite. Of course, it has to be Jungkook's.

"Good morning, baby." His husband's husky voice makes him realise that he is already wrapped in his husband's arms, their naked bodies pressed together.

Jungkook brings his face closer and plants a kiss behind Taehyung's ear, right on his sweet spot. The younger smiles, "Morning, hyung."

"Slept well?" Jungkook asks and God, Taehyung feels like he would get horny just by hearing his morning voice. It's so husky and deep, definitely enough to arouse him if he starts to talk dirty with him.

"Tae?" Jungkook calls out when he notices Taehyung is in his thoughts.

"I slept well." The stylist replies. He decides to turn around, to have a good look at his husband's morning face but when he tries to move, he groans, realising that his husband is still inside him.

The memories from last night start rushing back, crowding his mind all at once. He puts aside the memories from the club and only thinks about the ones after that. Last night was one of the most beautiful nights ever. Yeah, he feels slight headache from the hangover but he is glad that he didn't completely black out. He wanted to remember every single thing he did with his husband.

"Taehyung, do you wanna sleep more? Why are you spacing out?" Jungkook asks.

"I---" Taehyung's cheeks turn pink when he feels Jungkook moving to get a better look at him, his dick moving inside him in the process.

"Jungkook, stop moving!" He exclaims, when unintentionally (or on purpose) the big dick inside him hits his g-spot.

The idol only laughs but stops moving, "Oh baby, I would love to thrust into you right now, make you cum if I could. But you see, we don't have time. So get up and take a quick shower. We're going out." He announces.

Taehyung raises his eyebrow, "Well, that's news to me. What time is it anyway?"

"9:30." The older replies casually. Taehyung's eyes widen and he slaps the other's arm while glaring at him, "You mean I slept for only four hours? How dare you wake me up so early, Jeon Jungkook?" Taehyung demands.

The idol rolls his eyes, "Don't be a spoilt sport, Tae, and get ready. It's not like we're in New York every day. We only have one day to do whatever the fuck we want and I wanna spend some time with you. After all, this is the first time we went somewhere out of Seoul together. So please don't whine about not getting enough sleep. We can sacrifice that for the great good. Get that pretty ass of yours out of bed now."

Taehyung groans, wanting to show his annoyance, but on the inside, he feels giddy. He is excited to go out with his husband.

"Fine! Now release me so that I can go and shower." Taehyung says, still sounding mad but Jungkook knows he's anything but mad. He kisses the side of his head and says, "I'll get some painkillers for you. There's something else that must be hurting other than your head."

The teasing tone of the idol makes Taehyung want to smack him, "Shut your mouth and let me go!"

Jungkook only laughs and then he thrusts his dick into his husband, suddenly hitting his g-spot and earning a surprised moan from him. Before Taehyung could say anything, he pulls out and quickly moves away.

"Jeon Jungkook, you asshole!" The younger screams, throwing a pillow at his husband, who just laughs.


Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now