Fifty Three

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They say the mind is like water. When it's turbulent, it's difficult to see. When it's calm, everything becomes clear.

Taehyung's life is like water and he never knew he would actually have to spend time surrounded by water to realise that sometimes the best thing one can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe and have faith that everything will work out for the best.

"So how does it feel to be back in your mundane life?" Seokjin asks, passing a well-decorated glass of strawberry milkshake to Taehyung.

It's been two days since Taehyung returned to South Korea but he joined work again only after relaxing the whole two days, fighting off the jet lag.

Currently, the two best friends are sitting in Seokjin's office in Extravaganza. The older can see a shift in Taehyung's soul. He has a smile on his face, he looks fresh and excited to work. It seems like taking some time off to make his soul happy indeed worked out really well for him.

"I feel like--- I'm ready to fight for my happiness. Our happiness. Jungkook and mine. I'm just very motivated." Taehyung says, a blush coating his cheeks beautifully.

"Hmm..." Seokjin rubs his chin and leans closer to him, "What's the source of motivation, if I may ask?"

"Well, I just really want to be able to go out with Jungkookie without having to hide, you know?" Taehyung replies, "I--- At the beginning of our trip, Jungkook said that he didn't want to hide anymore. I thought it would be a bad idea. We'd be attacked left and right. But then---" Taehyung smiles, "Then I spent time with him in Bacalar. We didn't have to worry about getting recognised. Well, some people did recognise us but it wasn't that of a big deal since the girl that caught us making out didn't open her mouth but---"

"---Wait, wait, wait! There was a girl who caught you making out? Fucking hell, Tae!" Seokjin exclaims, leaning closer to the younger with visible curiosity on his face that makes the younger roll his eyes.


"Then? Then what happened? I didn't hear any proof about your ongoing dating rumours with Jungkook."

Taehyung smiles a little, "Well, that's because the girl didn't film us. She was too shocked to see Jungkook and him making out with his stylist must've given her a heart attack." He shakes his head, "But she was nice. Yeah, she was a little overexcited but--- honestly, who wouldn't be after seeing their idol openly on the street like that? She helped us escape the stalker fan too. So she wasn't all that bad. In fact, we would've loved to thank her but we didn't meet her again."

Jin nods, sighing a little, "Thank God there are still understanding people out there who respect their idol's privacy. Honestly, I was scared to shit when I saw the photos of your vacation going viral."

"I was scared too. God knows how hard it was for Jungkook to calm me down."

"Right. How are you dealing with it?" Seokjin asks the most important question, "You know Extravaganza is here to support you in every decision you take. Be it accepting your relationship publicly or hiding it."

Taehyung smiles at that, "Thanks, hyung. We still haven't figured out what to do about the situation but..." he sighs, "Jungkook and I have a meeting at HYBE tomorrow with Bang PD-nim and their PR team. We'll figure out what we'll do about our relationship then."

The CEO nods but frowns after a second, "Wait, Tae. I don't think you should go to that meeting alone."

"Alone?" Taehyung creases his eyebrows, "I'm literally going there with my husband, hyung. Like hello?"

The older rolls his eyes. Taehyung is still very innocent and he really doesn't understand business even after working in the industry for almost two years now. "Well, Tae, that's not what I meant. Everyone present in the meeting would be from HYBE. You'll be the only outsider there. They're only going to think about their artist. If it comes to Jungkook's reputation, they're going to put all the blame on you even when it's not your fault. They'll only think about Jungkook because he is bringing them money. Whereas you..." Seokjin sighs, "You're just a staff to them. They can easily replace you."

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now