Thirty Two

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Silence engulfs the room as Taehyung tries to process the information that the Designing Director, Ms. Ko Yurim, gave him. He is currently sitting in one of the meeting rooms of Extravaganza.

He was supposed to accompany Namjoon and Hoseok who are currently working on their own subunit. They had their jacket photoshoot today and Taehyung was supposed to be there but in the end moment, Director Ko decided to switch his work with Na Heedo who was assigned to go to New York with Yoongi and Jungkook.

"So you want me to go to New York now instead of Heedo sunbae?" Taehyung asks, pointing at himself. Heedo had informed him earlier this morning that Ms. Ko would like to meet him, hence, he is required to go to their office.

His heart had started beating erratically when he heard that. He sincerely hoped that she wasn't calling him to give him some bad news. Sitting alone in the meeting room, guessing what it could be about made him so nervous. But then Director Ko walked in with CEO Kim Seokjin behind her and broke the news to him, taking away all his nervousness and replacing it with happiness.

"Yes, Taehyung." The woman smiles kindly at him, "We keep an eye on all our employees and we got some really good feedback about you from our clients. So, Mr. Kim and I decided that it's time for you to experience an overseas schedule with them."

Taehyung presses his hands on his knees to stop his legs from tapping against the floor due to excitement and nervousness.

Seokjin clears his throat to get his attention, "Since Yoongi-ssi and Jungkook-ssi are already going to New York for their schedule, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity for you."

Jungkook-ssi. That sounds so funny coming from Seokjin's mouth, given that he curses the idol a lot. Taehyung knows that his best friend doesn't really take a liking for his husband.

Talking about Jungkook, Taehyung can't wait to give him the good news. But while he is here, he needs to focus on the meeting first. He can't seem distracted just when his superiors gave him such a big opportunity.

"So would I be going alone? What about Na Heedo sunbae?" He asks.

"Ms. Na would be staying here, working with Namjoon-ssi and Hoseok-ssi. Since the group is divided into two parts for this project and we have only two main stylists, each subunit will have one stylist accompanying them." Director Ko tells him.

Taehyung's eyes widen at that, "S-So from the styling team, only I would be there?"

Seokjin smiles, "No, Taehyung-ssi, you'll have your assistants with you and if there's anything else you need help with, don't hesitate in asking. We're always willing to help you."

The young stylist nods, finding comfort in his best friend's words. "Thank you for giving me this opportunity Director Ko and Mr. Kim. I'll try my best not to disappoint you."

The other two nod. "Good luck, Mr. Kim." The woman wishes him and then stands up. She turns towards the CEO and says, "I have a meeting with the fashion week organizing committee. I'll take my leave now, Mr. Kim."

Seokjin nods his head, letting the woman leave. Once she closes the door behind her, he looks at Taehyung, smiling widely, "How do you feel, Tae?"

That's all it takes for the younger to squeal, "You have no idea, hyung! I'm so happy! Just a while ago, I was so sad that Jungkook would go to New York and I'd be left here alone."

"Well, you're going because you deserve it, Tae. But---" Seokjin clasps his hands in front of himself on the table and leans forward, his eyes narrowed as he stares at the younger, "But why would you feel sad because Jungkook is leaving? Had I been in your place, I would be very happy."

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now