Forty Five

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Special update! I'll let you guess why...

Happy Reading!

When the first ray of sunlight seeps through the gap between their white curtains, Jungkook sighs heavily.

He tried. He really tried to sleep through the night but he kept waking up again and again until he finally gave up and decided to reply to some fans on Weverse. ARMYs were really surprised too because Jeon Jungkook would much rather do Weverse lives than type out replies to the fans without even showing them their face.

Some fans on Weverse told him to go to sleep and he really wished he could but it was very difficult for him with all the things going on in his mind.

The conversation he had with Taehyung last night is constantly ringing in his head. He tried to figure out what to do but the situation is very complicated. He feels irritated because right when Jungkook thought that finally he had some control over his life, things started going downwards again.

He moves his tired eyes to look at his husband who is curled into him, sleeping soundly. He looks so peaceful while sleeping without any care of the world.

Jungkook wants to do it too. He understands that things may not exactly be easy for his husband too, but at least he's catching up on his sleep tonight after the stressful days and since he already faces sleeping problems, Jungkook wouldn't want it any other way.

Since his eyes refuse to shut, he decides to freshen up and go downstairs to make some breakfast for himself and Taehyung. Now that he knows his husband is pregnant, he knows that it's important for him to eat healthy food and not something unhealthy and weird like buldak with Nutella.

So after half an hour, Jungkook finds himself in the kitchen. Since there are a few more hours left before his manager comes to pick him up for his schedule, he decided that making a full-course Korean breakfast would be a good idea. So here he is, watching YouTube and following the instructions to surprise his family with a healthy breakfast.

"Hyung?" Jungkook's eyes snap in the direction of Jimin as he stands near the entrance of the kitchen, rubbing his sleepy eyes, "What are you doing so early in the morning?"

Jungkook stares at him for a few seconds before turning his attention back to the food, "Making breakfast, as you can see." His voice sounds void of any emotion.

Jimin frowns, immediately sensing that his brother doesn't seem to be in the best mood.

He walks inside the kitchen and grabs a bottle of water out of the fridge, "Why, hyung? You don't usually cook."

Jungkook looks at the younger who is already looking at him curiously. He rolls his eyes, "I do cook for Tae back at our home whenever I have the time, Jimin."

The way Jungkook is talking to him makes Jimin nervous, "Oh? B-But you don't have a reason to cook here, hyung. There's the staff for that."

"I so do, Chim. He's pregnant and he needs to eat healthy food. I thought you, out of all the people, would know that well." Jungkook doesn't make eye contact with Jimin as he stirs the contents of the pan.

The younger's eyes widen, immediately understanding what this is about. Nervousness grows within him as he tries to configure his brother's mood and emotions.

"Y-Yeah... Do you need help, hyung?" Jimin asks.

The idol covers the pan and turns the flame low before turning to the other. He crosses his arms across his chest and looks directly at him and something about his gaze makes Jimin more nervous than he already is.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now