Thirty Four

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The flight was exhausting, especially for Taehyung as he hasn't travelled nearly ten percent of how much Jungkook, Yoongi, and the other staff do. He got a headache and tried to sleep but he couldn't and he felt mad at his husband when he saw him sleeping so comfortably during the long flight. How do people fall asleep on flights?

But Taehyung didn't absolutely hate the journey though. It was his first time travelling in business class and he thoroughly enjoyed all the facilities. He ordered himself some classy wine, enjoyed good movies, and chatted a little with Nicole. At one point, when everyone fell asleep except himself and Jungkook, he texted him just for fun and they ended up texting each other for hours while looking at each other, smiling and blushing. Had anyone seen them, it would appear as if they're high-school kids having a new crush.

After so many hours, they finally reached New York. The flight landed and they were escorted to their cars. The crowd was going crazy, wanting to get a glimpse of Jungkook and Yoongi and take pictures but nothing went out of hand. They were able to sit in their cars after the two idols waved and bowed at the fans. Showing finger hearts made some ARMYs swoon. In short, the airport wasn't so bad both in Seoul and in New York.

Taehyung felt nervous but he just stuck around with others, trailing behind quietly, hoping to get used to all this as the other staff did. Eunwoo had noticed his nervousness and made him walk in front, at one point, near Jungkook himself. He keeps proving that he isn't just BTS' manager but he is also good at managing the other staff. Taehyung felt safe, thanks to him.

The car ride was very exciting for Taehyung. He kept looking outside the window, watching the tall buildings pass by. He noticed how many New Yorkers looked so typical with a coffee in their hands. The roads were busy with both vehicles and pedestrians. Taehyung felt like he was watching a movie and he felt really amazing. New York is very different from the UK and he can't wait to explore--- if at all, he gets the time to explore.

When they checked in at their hotel, everyone dispersed for their rooms as they have an early morning schedule.

When Taehyung goes to his room, he just plops on his bed without even changing clothes. He's so tired. He just wants to sleep. He hears his phone buzz with a message but he doesn't even have the energy to open his eyes as he slips into his dreamland in a matter of seconds.


After a few hours, Taehyung wakes up with his alarm blaring in his ears. "Ugh!" He groans, "Turn that stupid thing off, Jungkook!" He exclaims, turning in his bed and hiding his head under the pillow.

When the alarm doesn't stop ringing, he slowly opens his eyes, patting the bed next to him to wake his husband up.

But when his senses start working, he sighs. He sits up straight and picks up his phone, turning the alarm off.

For a moment, he forgot that he isn't at his home, sleeping in the comfort of his husband's arms which he has recently started doing. He's here in New York and he needs to prepare himself for the day.

He quickly gets out of bed and stretches his body. Grabbing his toothbrush and putting on some paste on it, he walks to the huge glass wall that is covered with curtains.

Excitedly, he removes the curtains and he is blown by the view in front of him. The buildings are tall and the skyline of the city looks beautiful as the sunrises from behind the buildings.

It looks so romantic and his mind immediately drifts to his husband. He wants to witness this view with him. But he doesn't know how to do that. Is it going to be as easy as Jungkook made it sound back at home? He doesn't know but what he does know is that he wants to do at least some normal things that people do here in New York when they visit.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now