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If you're guilty of something, no matter how jolly your surrounding is, how successful you are, how much they praise you, you always have this constant feeling of nagging within yourself that is like a continuous reminder that what you did was wrong and uncalled for.

You realise it when the time has already passed, when you've already spoken those hurtful words, when you've already damaged a person who was broken beforehand.

Jungkook feels the same way. After waking up from his nap, he saw that the house was empty. His husband was nowhere to be seen. His mind kept going back to what happened earlier and he felt horrible about it.

So he decided to go and meet his younger brother, Jimin. Spending some time with him would distract him from the bad feeling he has been having since he woke up.

"So why did you suddenly want to meet up? We're anyway going to have a family dinner this Saturday." Jimin says, putting his controller away. He and Jungkook have been playing games for a while because the older refused to talk to him as he is in a really bad mood.

"So now I need a reason to meet my own brother?" Jungkook gasps dramatically, making the younger roll his eyes.

"You know that's not what I meant, hyung. I can clearly see that you're sad and you're not sharing it with me. I know I can't force the information out of you but--- seeing you sad makes me sad." Jimin pouts. Jungkook chuckles. They are super close and they rarely fight. They are the ideal siblings to each other that you and I can never be.

"Come on, Chim. Don't talk like an ex lover who just got dumped." Jungkook laughs. Offended, the younger grabs a cushion from behind and starts hitting Jungkook with it.

Jungkook grabs another cushion to protect himself from his brother. This results in a cushion fight. While hitting each other, one of the cushions tears apart. They look at each other with wide eyes.

"I didn't do it." Jungkook throws the remains of the cushion and raises his hands in defense.

Jimin's eyes widen and he points at him accusingly. "It was definitely you who tore it."

"But it was you who hit it too hard."

"Hyung, it's your fault." Jimin crosses his arms and glares at him.

"It's not and even if it is, I'll just go home. You're the one who lives with our parents anyway." Jungkook smirks. "You're an idiot!" Jimin exclaims, smacking the back of the older's head.

Jungkook playfully glares at him but they end up laughing again. They can never have a serious fight.

After a few minutes, Jimin places a hand around Jungkook's shoulder and shifts closer to him. "Do you still not want to talk to me about it?" He asks.

The grey haired idol sighs and looks at him. "I'm so disappointed in myself." He says.

Jimin's eyebrows furrow together. "Why? Should I be disappointed in you too?"

Jungkook chuckles and shakes his head. How does Jimin manage to light up his mood in a not so easy situations as well? Maybe that's just his charm.

"It's just--- I went home last night. You know I don't usually go there---"

"Yes, because Taehyung lives there." Jimin interrupts him, shaking his head. He loves his brother but he hates how he avoids Taehyung. He literally has no reason to do that because Taehyung's a sweetheart in Jimin's opinion.

"Yes." Jungkook sighs, his hands going in his hair and slightly pulling them in frustration. His brother is quick to hold his hand though and he removes it from his hair, "You don't wanna go bald just yet, hyung."

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now