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When Taehyung feels something warm and soft on his lips, he feels as if his whole brain shut down. He can't process what just happened--- what is happening right now.

He can feel his husband's hand snaked around his small waist, holding him with so much care that if Taehyung wasn't so angry, he would've melted right away.

The warm mouth attached to his lips starts moving very softly. Jungkook is so scared--- scared that maybe he fucked up on another level, but seeing that the younger isn't pulling back, he takes another chance--- another bold move.

He starts moving his lips. Taehyung gasps. He never experienced something like this before. He hasn't been kissed before. He hasn't been held this closely before apart from Seokjin and Jimin but he has a platonic relationship with them.

The slow and tender movement of his husband's lips on his mouth spreads warmth across his body, his legs turning into jelly.

Jungkook places his free hand on Taehyung's cheek, cupping them carefully. This is the first time he is feeling Taehyung this close to him. The warmth radiating from the younger and his scent mixed with his cologne is clouding his senses, which is why he is not able to make proper decisions.

But who cares? He knows that he isn't going to regret it. Kissing Taehyung is something he can definitely get used to. The way his lips feel under his own, the way his body fits perfectly in his arms, the way he looks so ethereal from this close. He could totally get used to it--- had they been in different circumstances.

Taehyung doesn't kiss him back but he doesn't pull back either, which leads to Jungkook kiss him for a whole minute. He would've kissed him some more had they not got interrupted by the sound of the alarm going off on Taehyung's phone, reminding him of some prior engagement.

Both of them jump in their places, suddenly coming back to their senses. The stylist has his eyes wide open, looking at his husband as if he has seen a ghost.

He places both his palms on Jungkook's chest and pushes him with so much force that he collides with the mirror wall behind him.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" The younger whisper-yells, still too shocked with whatever happened.

"I'm--- Taehyung, I--- I didn't---" Jungkook fumbles with the words, no proper sentences coming out from his mouth.

"You were the one who was scared that our relationship would come to light if we linger around each other a lot. Here, I'm trying my best to be professional and not let my anger take over but you--- You, Jeon Jungkook, are really testing my patience." Taehyung says in an angry, hurt and shaking voice.

"I'm sorry. I didn't--- mean to kiss you without your permission."

"But you did, Jungkook. You did and all you ever do is say sorry. So please--- give me some space and don't try anything anymore. You end up messing everything anyway." The younger says without making an eye contact.

Apart from being hurt and angry, he is embarrassed too. He just doesn't want to be around Jungkook for the time being. When they're together, something or the other always goes wrong and it messes his mind a lot. Taehyung overthinks a lot and he knows he isn't getting any sleep again tonight.

Sighing, he turns around to leave and this time, Jungkook doesn't stop him because he knows that he messed up big time.


Taehyung is at Seokjin's place again. He has been here all the time since he left home that night and he feels bad now for staying here too long. It's not like his best friend minds him staying here. The older absolutely adores Taehyung and he wouldn't mind having him as a roommate but the younger of the two friends doesn't feel good about it.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now