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Taehyung looks out in bewilderment when he finally realises that the car has stopped right in front of his house.

He turns around, looking at Jungkook quizzically. "What are we doing here?" He asks. This was the last place he had expected Jungkook to bring him to.

"We'll be eating here and I'm cooking." Jungkook announces, getting out of the car. To say Taehyung is shocked would be an understatement. What just happened? Did his super busy husband offer to make lunch for him even when he is not on his break? That was totally unexpected.

"Aren't you coming?" Jungkook shouts from the entrance of the house. "I'm coming!" Taehyung shouts back, quickly getting out of the car. He takes out everything he has bought too and makes his way inside the house.

He is welcomed with the energetic sounds Yeontan is making when he enters the house. He sees Jungkook petting him and Yeontan enjoying that a lot. One thing he is sure about is that Yeontan and Jungkook have become close to each other during the idol's break.

"Go, wash your face or something. You look exhausted." Jungkook says, looking at his husband before carrying Yeontan to the kitchen.

Taehyung sighs. He is not exhausted. He's just worried. He doesn't know how to break the news to Jungkook. A normal person wouldn't even understand why he's so nervous but it's Taehyung. He is not good with people, sure. But dealing with his husband is more nerve wrecking than anything else.

Jungkook starts making japchae. He knows that it won't take a lot of time and also that Taehyung likes it. He remembers his mother preparing it for Taehyung on one of the family dinners because he likes it.

Jungkook plays some music and keeps making the glass noodles as he hums the melody. "You're enjoying there, aren't you?" He chuckles when he sees Yeontan nodding his head along with the music.

A few minutes later, when the song is about to change to another one, the sound of footsteps running down the stairs is heard.

Jungkook peeps and sees Taehyung approaching him. "Seems like your feet are all healed. You're running on the stairs." He comments, stirring the dish one final time.

"It's been weeks. Of course, I'm all healed." The younger replies. He walks towards the counter and starts playing with Yeontan who is sitting comfortably on it.

He shakes hands with him, kisses him, scratches the back of his ear loving and rubs his belly, showering him with all his love. Jungkook looks at the interaction with fond eyes. If an outsider looks at them right now, they would think that they're a perfect, happy family.

"By the way, how come you're free, Jungkook? Aren't you supposed to sing or shoot--- do you idol thing?" Taehyung asks, grabbing Yeontan's bowl to give him some food too that he bought a few minutes ago.

"I had a photoshoot. I was returning after finishing that when I saw you. I don't have anything else on my schedule besides practicing and stuff so I decided to make some food for you, Taehyung-ssi." Jungkook tells him while taking the japchae out of the pan. He transfers it in two plates and brings it to the dining table.

Taehyung can't help but smile. This looks so domestic. "What's this sudden change in behaviour, Jungkook-ssi?" He looks at his husband suspiciously who just laughs.

"Well, a family lunch doesn't hurt now, does it?" Jungkook raises an eyebrow, signalling Taehyung to take a seat.

Without arguing much, he sits down, knowing that he can't spend a lot of his time here. He has to go back to the office.

Both of them start eating and once again, Taehyung is surprised buy Jungkook's cooking. "It's so tasty." He moans at the taste, bringing a smile on Jungkook's face. He feels proud of his skills again. He wants to be good at everything and Taehyung being happy with the food he makes suggests that he did a good job. He also feels content seeing the younger eating so happily.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now