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Even though the hotel they're staying at is not that far, it took then nearly an hour to reach there from the spot they were shooting at, thanks to the terrible weather.

Jungkook is now in his room, freshly out of shower. He thought he would freeze to death and a warm shower was exactly what he needed.

After the time he spent with Taehyung in the hut, he got a whole different kind of confidence. He has a strong desire to make things right and hopefully, he would be able to do it soon.

He sits on his bed, drying his dripping hair with his eyes closed. He is too tired. All he wants to do is sleep.

But soon Taehyung's innocent face under the rain flashes in front of his eyes, making him snap them open. He stops drying his hair as his mind goes back to his husband.

He wonders if he is okay. He fell on the ground. Did he hurt himself?

Being so worried about Taehyung is new to him. He used to think about the younger from time to time in the past, but now that they're working so close to each other and spend so much time together, Jungkook can't help but keep thinking about his husband.

He is an amazing guy. He can clearly see why everyone wants to be friends with him.

But the more he spends time with his husband, the more intrigued he gets. He feels like there is an invisible string that is pulling him closer to the young stylist. He feels like there is a lot more to Jeon Taehyung than he has shared with him through his texts or that he has noticed.

Jungkook is curious. He wants to know because he thinks that his husband is hiding a lot. But he can't straight-up ask him. He knows that he doesn't have the right to do so.

So he has decides that he would be there for Taehyung, make him comfortable with him and when he finally trusts him, maybe he would open up to him?

Deciding that he should check on the younger, he grabs his phone from the nightstand. He needs to find out his room number in order to check on him. But who would tell him? He knows that Taehyung wouldn't. He seemed to be back to his own self before they retired to their own rooms and the Taehyung he knows would never tell him his room number.

After a few minutes of thinking, a contact comes to his mind--- someone who may tell him in which room the stylist is staying. So taking a deep breath, he starts typing the text.


"Wow, this sounds so unlike Jeon Jungkook." Seokjin marvels with his mouth open.

Taehyung giggles at his best friend's reaction, "I know right? I wonder which holy spirit has possessed him lately."

Currently, the two best friends are on a video call with each other. They missed each other a lot but since Taehyung was very busy, they did not get the time to talk. The only good thing about the weather outside is that it bought some time for them to talk.

"Do you think he's being genuine this time?" The older asks, sipping his coffee as he has been working a lot lately.

"I don't know, hyung. He sounds sincere. He has apologised to me many times earlier and messed up too but this time he looks adamant to make it right." Taehyung confesses.

The CEO nods his head, "This really doesn't sound like him. Maybe he decided to have a character development after all."

Taehyung laughs at his statement. He remembers the conversation he had with Seokjin a while ago. At that time, he had hoped for his husband to change but it seemed like a hopeless dream at that time. But now, it seems like his dream is coming true, little by little.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now