Fifty Seven

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Did y'all check out the new cover of 'Yours, Taehyung'? How's it??

Please vote and comment a lot. They're my motivation. Happy reading💜


A month passes by in a jiffy.

Just like Jungkook said, Taehyung deactivated his Twitter account for the whole month, choosing his sanity over curiosity.

During this month, fans have spotted more clues that link the golden maknae and his stylist together. They saw Jungkook entering the office of Extravaganza where they found out that the stylist works. Also, during a music show pre-recording, Taehyung had accompanied Hoseok and the eagle-eyed ARMYs spotted him wearing a ring which is the same as Jungkook. The only difference is that Taehyung wears it on his finger while the idol wears it around his neck as a pendant.

The dating rumours are getting stronger by the second and Taehyung is honestly too scared to go and read the public opinion on the internet.

But not knowing what's going on doesn't mean he's clueless. That night, his recent wedding night, gave him the trailer of the movie that was about to start.

Also, he's not blind towards the kind of look people in the companies, both HYBE and Extravaganza, give him. He knows what a judgemental look is when he sees someone giving it to him. He knows that people are talking about him behind their backs and he knows that their words are not necessarily kind.

Even the thought of getting so much hate makes Taehyung terribly upset. It makes him lose his appetite and question his worth.

But through all this, Jungkook is a big support to him. He keeps reminding him how much he loves him, how all this would be worth it in the end and how they'll be happy.

He also reminds him to eat on time, cuddles him to sleep, and takes care of all his needs as much as time allows him to, given he's working on his upcoming solo album along with preparing for BTS' upcoming concert.

Honestly, Taehyung has no idea what he'd do without Jungkook. He's like an anchor in his life, keeping him stable when he feels like he's wavering.

If you asked Taehyung almost a year ago if he thought a time would ever come when he could rely on his husband and they'd grow closer, Taehyung would've laughed at you. That's how impossible he thought his relationship with Jungkook was. He wouldn't believe if you told him that the idol would be madly in love with him, care for all his needs and do everything for him. But better late than never.

Each day, Taehyung tries to ignore the judgemental looks he receives from people. He keeps himself motivated by thinking that all this will come to an end soon. He always looks forward for the day to end, only in the hope of straightaway walking into the arms of his husband and forgetting about all the negative thoughts.

Sighing, he walks out of his therapist's office and makes his way toward the reception. He had his therapy session today and honestly, he feels slightly better about his miscarriage. It's not like he doesn't miss his baby anymore. It's just that, he has started accepting fate and he has started learning to let go. It's a slow process with everything that's going around him but his therapist says to take one step at a time, so that's what he'd do.

For the past few days, he has been thinking of visiting Baekhyun. He wants to apologise to him for making him feel shitty. He will see him now since he has some free time between his therapy session and work. He would've done it before but he didn't really have the time these past few days and also, he was nervous. He still is. But he needs to do this. Baekhyun has been nothing but kind to him. He doesn't deserve this kind of behaviour from Taehyung.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now