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They say that a drunk person's words are a sober person's thoughts.

Jungkook begs to differ.

He refuses to beleive that a sober Taehyung thinks that Doraemon is real.

Jungkook had called Jimin to pick them up from the restaurant earlier because he didn't want to be spotted by sasaengs when he had a drunk Taehyung with him.

Jimin had obviously cursed at him and told him that he isn't his fucking driver. But when he got to know that Taehyung got drunk and Jungkook asked him to come and pick them up because of that, he didn't argue any further and came to pick them up.

The whole ride was difficult to say the least. Taehyung wouldn't just stay at one place. It was hard to make him sit in the car. He kept whining about how the night is still young and they should have fun instead of going home.

Somehow, Jungkook and Jimin did manage to make him sit in the car. The idol sat with him while Jimin drove because the stylist couldn't sit quietly. He was being too jumpy and making it difficult for Jimin to drive.

They somehow managed to reach home safely though with Taehyung continously blabbering about random stuff that didn't even make sense.

The brothers sigh once they pull in front of the mansion. Jimin gets out of the car and walks to the backseat to open the door for his brother and his husband.

Jungkook jumps out of the car and stretches his muscles. "Do you need help with taking him inside or something?" The younger asks, pointing at the stylist who is playing with the seat belt now.

Jungkook shakes his head, "Naah, I'll just carry him to the room. Thanks for coming to pick us up, Chim. I was worried about being spotted by the sasaengs."

Jimin smiles and places his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, "It's all good, hyung. Hopefully no one saw us." Jungkook nods.

Before they can talk further, Taehyung whines, wanting to get out of the confinement of the seat belt. "Have fun with him." Jimin pats his brother's shoulder, knowing quite well how much he would be struggling tonight.

"Get me out of this damn car, please." They look at Taehyung who is pouting heavily, pulling at the seat belt. Jimin chuckles, "Good luck, dear brother."

After giving one final glance to them, he leaves. When Jungkook looks at his husband, his heart instantly melts. He is looking at him ever so adorably. His eyes are big and a cute pout adorns his lips as he makes grabby hands towards him. "Get me out of the c-car, hyung. Are you punishing me? Why do you have me tied up?" He questions.

Jungkook laughs, moving towards the door. He bends down to remove the seat belt. Taehyung claps his hands happily, knowing that he would be finally free.

"This is not a punishment, Tae. But if you don't behave, I would surely punish you." The older warns him as he pulls back after removing the seat belt.

"How can you punish me? I'm too cute for that." Taehyung declares, making Jungkook laughs. He looks at the younger with heart eyes. He can't help but think how adorable a drunk Taehyung is--- not that he would want him to get drunk like that again.

"Alright, my cute boy. Let's take you to our room." The idol says. He puts his one hand behind the younger's back and the other one under his thigh.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung squeaks with surprise as he feels himself getting lifted up from his seat.

"Taking you inside." Jungkook replies, kicking the door of the car to shut it.

"But I can walk." Taehyung pouts again.

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now