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Taehyung has no idea what to do. His day has been good so far. He did the work assigned to him. He took the measurements of the members and started looking for their outfits. He heard their songs again and again to understand the mood better so that their clothes complement the theme of the songs. All this is so much hard work and he is tired.

But guess what? His husband had told him that he would be visiting him tonight. When Jungkook said that to him when they were in the dance practice room, he thought that the idol would forget about it as soon as Taehyung gets out of his sight. But the text he received hours later saying 'We need to talk. I'll see you at home.' has him really nervous.

Taehyung is sitting with Yeontan on his lap in the living room, eyes darting in every corner of the house whenever he hears a sound.

It's okay, Tae. It's not like he would kill you. Taehyung tries to reassure himself again and again.

It was Jungkook who urged him to dream and try to achieve his dreams, right? So he shouldn't have a problem with this. But the problem with Jungkook is that he is very unpredictable. You never know what would make him angry and that makes him very difficult to understand.

A few minutes pass by with Taehyung playing with Yeontan when they hear the front door opening.

Taehyung's head whips in that direction and he sees Jungkook standing by door in a casual attire. He's wearing a black shirt and baggy pants with a cap on his head.

Taehyung gulps, not because of how handsome his husband looks--- nope. He doesn't care much about that right now because he has bigger things to worry about.

"Hi, Jungkook." Taehyung reluctantly waves his hand. The older says nothing, just walks near him. He stands right in front of Taehyung, just a few inches away from him, making him way more nervous than he already is.

"I don't think it's the time for greetings." The idol says, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Then what's the time for?" The younger nervously chuckles. Jungkook rolls his eyes, knowing too well that the other is just pretending to not know why he is here.

"Do I really have to say that?"

"Of course. Like you could be here for dinner or for rest or---"

"Why didn't you tell me you are our new stylist, Taehyung?" He demands. His voice is calm and controlled but the younger knows that his husband is angry so he should not blabber nonsense like he was doing a while ago if he wants to prevent an argument from taking place. But he also knows that in their case, it's highly unlikely.

"I didn't think it was a big deal." Taehyung shrugs. He puts Yeontan on the couch and stands up to maintain some distance between Jungkook and himself.

"You didn't think it was a big deal?" The idol says in such a tone that it makes Taehyung think that he said something absolutely ridiculous. He simply nods his head, trying to appear as cool as he can.

"Of course. I did tell you that I got my clients, right?"

"But you didn't tell me that I am your client."

"Technically, it's not you. It's your whole group. Don't think so highly of yourself." Taehyung rolls his eyes. He just doesn't like the other's tone. What is he even being so mad about? He is just doing his work.

"Really? Now that I think about it, it's highly likely that you followed me there." Jungkook mutters, his eyes shooting daggers at the other. But somewhere down the line, he feels disappointed too. He is so used to Taehyung telling him everything that not knowing this is making him crazy. And it was not just some random information. It's a big fucking thing!

Yours, Taehyung | ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now