Chapter 1: Nightmare

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"Ugh, Raccoons!"
"We are late for school, Jimbo."

"Skylar... Lake."

"You're late, Miss. Lake."
"I'm always late so in a way, I'm on time."

"Your love for her disgusts me."

"Perhaps your disgust of Jim's crushing stems more from the fact that you don't let others in very much."

"By the power of Night, Moonlight is mine to command."

"For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command."
"Are you punking us right now?"

"Aha! Master Jim!"
"Lady Skylar!"
"Back off."

"I have wings!"

"Oh, my apologies Lady Skylar. I'm Blinky and my companion here is Arrrgh."
"Three r's."

"Stay away from my brother, or you're gonna have to deal with me."

"I should get some practice in."

"I'm surprised you got the guts to do it."
"I can't beleive that that just happened!"
"And did you see how that chikita was looking at you? Your armour totally did you a favor."
"I dunno, I'm still getting the hang of it."

"Trollhunter, Merlins Creation, Gunmars Bane!"

"He's good at math!"

"Look at me. Look at me! We're not dead, right?"
"You flew! Like flew flew!"
"A truck was thrown at you two!"
"Aha! Master Jim and Lady Skylar!"

"You have a sweet voice..."
"But you bring death with you."


"Use your sword, Master Jim!"
"I'll drink your blood out of a goblet made from your skull!"
"You even touch a hair on my brother's head and I'll kill you myself!"

"Scary ones."
"Sounds like candy to me."

"This is the world you are bound to protect! This is Heartstone Trollmarket!"

"Stay close. Human feet have never graced the ground of Trollmarket before."
"Oh, hey little guy! That's a cute pointy hat."
"And pointy teeth!"

"What are humans doing here?"
"Skylar, it's okay. Just stay near me."
"I think we've attracted the paparazzi."
"Friends there's no need to be afraid, he is the Trollhunte-"
"What is this?"
"I was just getting to that, Draal."

"Wait. Are these-?"
"Are there no Night watchers?"
"Sadly no."

"Blinkous Galadrigal."
"That's your name?"
"Horrible, I know."
"I like it."

"Skylar, I'm okay. I didn't lose my hand."
"I'm checkin for bruises, you dummy. I can see you have both hands."
"Well? What is it?"

"Mom's home. What's the cover story?"
"I was bikejacked by three, no, make it seven, members of the Bravata, that's the Russian gang mob, and then you broke into their hide-out to try to save me and-"
"Or we could just tell her your bike got hit by a car, but you're totally fine."
"Eh, that works too, I guess."

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