Chapter 36: Questions With No Answers

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After they had left the forge, I was alone with my father's remains once again.
"She's... Different then you were as Trollhunter." I began to speak, looking up at him.
"She doesn't push people away, but rather brings them in... Why didn't you?" I asked.
Why did the thought of her make my chest constrict?
Or the thought of her smile making me smile in turn?
Her anger burnt like a raging inferno, matching her hair.
"I believe she was truly made for the role of protector... Is that what you think?" I asked aloud.
I was silent, as if waiting for an answer.
"I want her to see me as a true warrior... Not as a child she has continuously compared me to." 
Why did it hurt?

At the Cafe in Arcadia

Alden sighed, glaring at the cup of black coffee in front of him as he waited for his order.
Everything was going so slowly.
Who knew gaining someone's trust was so hard.
It was easier to just trick them right off the bat into getting what he wanted.
"Is everything to your liking?" The waiter asked, causing Alden to look at him with his golden-green eyes.
"Fine." He replied bitterly before returning to his thoughts.
Arya made it so just being in this town drained him of his energy, having to hide his abilities so she wouldn't know of them.
She was already cautious even before, so her trust taking so long to gain was completely understandable.
Especially considering to what happened to her brother.
But Skylar...
She was just a lowly human, wasn't she?
Why was it so hard to gain her trust?
Everyone else seemed to trust him.
Wasn't he promised a well of magic if he had come to Arcadia? 
Yet all he has met with was a singular elf and a changeling or two.
The changelings he was not allowed to interact with because of his promise.
It wasn't fair.
Alden let out a growl his hand shaking in frustration before he clenched his fist.
Suddenly, an idea went off in his head, causing him to chuckle lowly.
Of course... If he could gain Skylar's trust, he could gain Arya's.
Couldn't he?
They were so close already.
Of course... He would have to pull a few strings to make his move in the first place.
A smirk slowly began to take form on his features as he began to devise his plan.


Sorry for the short Chapter today, but I hope you guys enjoyed it none-the-less!
Unfortunately, I have to slow down on the updates because work is getting a bit busier and I don't have much time on my hand.
I hope you have a fantastic morning/afternoon/evening/night!

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