Chapter Twelve: Passing Notes

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"Blinkous Galadrigal!" A new voice suddenly shouted.
I stood on the axe, hanging onto the wood as it swang back in forth, seeing an elderly troll enter the room.
The axe then slowly stopped and I jumped off, bending my knees as it retracted back into the wall.
I hit the stone floor with a gentle thud, feeling the impact before standing straight.
"Blinkous Galadrigal." He repeated.
"So that's your full name." I commented, coming to stand next to the six-eyed troll.
"Horrible, I know." Blinky spoke in reply, seeming rather ashamed of it.
"Eh, I like it." I replied with a shrug.
"I wish to meet the fleshbag supposedly chosen by the amulet." He stated before walking up closer to me, his scrutinizing gaze never leaving my form.
"I am Vendel, son of Rundel, son of Kilfred." The pale troll stated, jabbing his staff towards me.
"Skylar, Daughter of Barbara." I replied as he began to examine me.
"Produce the amulet, Trollhunter." Vendel ordered, causing me to pull it out from my bag.
"Amulet chose." Arrrgh stated, repeating the same words from earlier.
"Hmm, so Draal tells me. Ridiculous!" He stated before pausing slightly, almost thoughtful.
"However, the amulet had been known to make ill-fated choices." He spoke, looking over to Blinky who seemed to shrink away slightly.
"As you know better than most." Vendel added before looking back to me.
"I've also heard you seem to also be the Nightwatcher?" He asked, causing me to nod.
He hummed before moving on.
"If the Trollhunter amulet chose true, the Soothscryer will reveal it." Vendel stated.
"Please, Lady Skylar hasn't had even an hours training." Blinky stated in defense, though was ignored as Vendel gestured me over to him.
He instructed me on what to do and I pulled myself up in order to place my hand where it was needed.
The teeth clamped down and I gasped in slight shock, Blinky and Arrrgh rushing over.
It let go a few seconds after, causing me to tumble back, Arrrgh catching me and placing me on my feet.
I shot him a thankful look before examining my hand as Vendel examined the Soothscryer.
Eventually, our eyes met again.
"Well?" I asked gently.
"Inconclusive." He replied.
I frowned slightly before nodding in understanding, though he seemed to feel the need to explain it anyway.
"It means Trollhunter, that there's never been a human to bare the mantle before. The Soothscryer needs more time to render it's judgement."
He then turned away before pausing and looking over his shoulder slightly.
"Let's hope you live long enough to see." He added before walking off.
I frowned.

I sighed softly to myself, my arms folded over my chest, pulling my jacket closer around me.
It was a silent walk as I made my way home, knowing well what time it was.
I ran a hand through my hear, releasing a heavy breath through my nose.
Finally, home came in sight, mom's car in the driveway.
I sighed and made my way in, seeing Jim and Toby on the couch, watching a movie with a giant bowl of popcorn.
I walked over silently, grabbing a handful of popcorn, causing them to jump in shock.
They were watching a horror movie after all.
"Hey girls." I greeted, popping a few pieces of the buttery treat into my mouth.
"You're home." Jim stated, shooting a glance at the clock.
"Yeah, I know, it's late. I'm surprised mom didn't send a search party." I replied popping a few more pieces.
"I told her you were out getting snacks. She went to sleep half an hour ago." He replied, Toby nodding along.
"Thanks for covering for me." I stated, taking a spot next to him.
"Are you going to tell us where you were?" He then asked.
"Woah, who's the older sibling here?" I asked, raising a brow.
He stayed silent, a serious look on his face.
I sighed.
"Geez, okay. Alright." I stated, shooing away the slight glare in his gaze.
"I was on a walk in the woods. It was dark and I got a little turned around, back tracked to the canal, stopped by the convient store for some wate, then made my way here." I replied with a shrug.
He seemed hesitant, but eventually accepted the answer I gave him.
"Shh, it's getting to the good part!" Toby announced in an excited whisper.
We then directed our attention to the show.

The next day, it was pretty chill at school, which was weird.
Not to mention that it was going by at an extremely slow rate.
I sighed to myself.
Usually, I loved school.
But... at this moment... being stuck in math...
It was torture!
I felt like I knew everything except what I needed to know about it and it was horrible.
Is this what everyone else felt like when they were stuck in this class?
Please, someone, for the love of...
My thought trailed off as my blue gaze met violet.
I smiled to myself before grabbing a small piece of paper and writing a quick note, glancing up at the board every now and again.
Just a simple 'How are you?' written with black ink.
I then passed it to Arya, who gave me a weird look.
I gestured for her to read the note and she sighed silently before unfolding it discreetly.
She glanced at me before writing a response.
She paused a moment before adding something.
She then refolded it and tossed it onto my mathbook, dead in the center.
I looked over at her, meeting her eyes as I gave a nod, showing her I was slightly impressed.
'I'm doing well. How are you?'
I marveled a moment at her handwriting.
It was delicate, yet confident.
And she wrote in red.
Much like her.
I quickly began writing a response.
'Same here. How are you liking school so far?'
I couldn't help but compare my handwriting to hers for a brief moment.
Her's was delicate while mine was bold.
Yet bother showed confidence.
I folded it and tossed it over, having it land on where her thumb met her pointerfinger as she tried solving a problem.
She glanced over, a ghost of a smile tugging at her lips.
She unfolded it, still acting as though she was paying attention.
I didn't miss the fact that she moved her bag to the other side of her as she tossed over the paper, having it land in my own bag.
I reached down, trading out pens as I did so as a cover.
'It's quite boring. I feel like I already know all of this stuff. They always make math more complicate than it needs to be.'
I couldn't help but smile as I 'wrote down' some notes.
I quickly wrote a response.
'Same here. Anyways, I was wondering if you'd like to eat lunch with us?'
I folded it again, faking a cough as I tossed the paper into her bag.
Ms. Janeth glanced over at me before returning to look at the board, writing down more equations for us to do on our own.
She only gave out one A, so unfortunately, this was the only class I had a B in.
Atleast it was a high B though.
I heard the paper soar through the air again, glancing just in time to see it land in my bag again.
I grabbed it quickly.
'Depends on who is going to be eating with you.'
It took everything in me not to laugh at her response.
'Just Jim and Toby. Maybe Claire? Otherwise just us.'
I folded the paper again and tossed it back over.
She read it quickly and we met each other's eyes again.
She gave a single nod before the two of us turned our attention back onto the lesson.


So much to do, so little time.
I see you guys are truly enjoying this.
Yet questions are evident, and unavoidable.
Soon the answers will be revealed.
Stay patient, dear readers.
See you all again soon.
As always, have a wondrous morning/afternoon/evening/night.
Bye for now.

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