Chapter 42: Changing the Course

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My plan wasn't working.
I pulled some strings to get Skylar in the competition, believing we would work together to win.
It completely backfired because she seems to be helping her brother instead.
That is why I'm going to the closest Changeling to me.
He was working late at the school tonight. 
That I made sure of.
I walked through the halls, towards his office.
"We shouldn't be doing this." My familiar spoke, causing me to shoot a glare at him.
"Do you have another plan?" I hissed out, causing him to recoil.
I opened the door, catching the changelings attention.
He frowned.
"Alden, what are you doing here?" He asked, standing.
"Sit back down, impure. I have a favor to ask." I stated, taking a sit opposite of him.
I waved my hand, shutting the door behind me.
Strickler slowly sat in his seat, his eyes not leaving me.
"I'm trying to gain Skylar's trust. I need you to ask her to tutor me." I stated simply.
"Why would I?" He then asked.
"You should be grateful I'm asking. Who do you think converted Bular to the side of darkness?" I spoke in turn, narrowing my gaze.
His eyes widened.
"Alden Orduin." He stated, recognition flashing in his eyes.
"It's Alden Creeke for now, actually." I replied, running a hand through my hair.
He then frowned.
"Why do you need Skylar's trust?" He then asked, already writing something up.
"I need to get close to Arya. In order to do that, I need to get Skylar to drag me into whatever it is they're doing as she's in charge." I replied, not planning on revealing why I needed Arya.
"Skylar is the trollhunter." Strickler stated.
I rolled my eyes.
"Of course she is. Why wouldn't she, a human, be so during this time?" I spoke with a sigh, shaking my head.
"And the nightwatcher." He added.
Now that caught my attention.
"Are you positive?" I asked, causing him to frown.
"Somehow, she is both." He confirmed. 
I smirked.
"There is more than meets the eye with her, isn't there?" I then asked before standing up.
"I expect this to be done by Monday." I stated.
There was then a knock on the door and Jim walked through.
"Strickler-" He began, cutting himself off when he saw me.
"I'll make the arrangements for you to be tutored, Mr. Creeke." Strickler stated, causing me to nod at him before he turned his attention to Jim.
"What can I help you with young Atlas?" He then asked.
Jim watched me as I walked out, waiting for the door to close.
I'll get what I want soon...
Including an extra prize.
A smirk made its way to my features.

In the woods

She placed the crystals around her little cottage, watching Bulars unmoving form.
She was finally able to convert him back to his usual form, but she had to knock him out before he killed her.
He didn't recognize her.
She placed her hand over his cheek, her long black hair framing her face.
"You can do this... Just fight it... please..." She whispered.
The raven watched her from its perch, giving a soft caw before flying out the window.
"You're my best friend... I can't bare watching you suffer like this..." She spoke, tears falling down her cheeks.
She thought back to the way his eyes were glowing.
The spell was strong, but it didn't always start that way.
If she was able to reverse it, the glow would be gone and he'd be back to normal...
She hoped.


We made it back to Trollmarket.
I was mad.
Mom would never understand and I wasn't going to bring her into this.
Arya kept glancing over at me, her gaze falling to the necklace then back at me.
A frown was on her features.
"Do you need something?" I asked in a joking irritation.
She snapped out of her thoughts.
"Just... How do you feel about Draal?" She asked.
I could've sworn she asked this before.
However... this time, a pain opened in my chest.
She only nodded after studying my expression, seeming to get the answer she needed.
"He likes you..." She stated softly.
Jims words echoed in my head.
"He likes you actually." I said softly, watching Toby talk with Arrrgh.
Claire then appeared next to us.
"What are you two talking about?" She asked, raising a brow.
"Boy stuff." Arya replied with a shrug before turning back to me.
"Also, you are dead wrong. Out of everyone here, he hangs out with you the most." She stated, causing me to shake my head.
"Jim told me that he likes you Arya." I stated, causing her to frown.
"Fine. Let's ask Claire for her opinion then." She offered before looking to the third party.
"Who do you think Draal likes?" Arya stated.
My cheeks flushed.
"Way to be blunt about it." I muttered.
"Woah, you both like Draal?" Claire asked in a loud whisper before looking around.
"Oh, absolutely not." Arya replied, shaking her head.
"Then why-"
"Because Skylar doesn't know how she feels, and Jim apparently told her that Draal likes me when it's obvious he likes her." Arya explained quickly.
"Oh..." Claire trailed off a second before nodding.
"Out of anyone, I think he likes Skylar the best... I read up on most troll stuff, but I kinda stayed away from courting and such." She explained.
"We did too." I stated with a nod.
We all glanced at eachother before laughing.
I then frowned.
"Then why would Jim tell me that Draal likes Arya?" I then asked.
"Well, if Draal was asking for advice, he probably didn't want you to know about it. I wish he didn't throw me under the bus for it, but what can you do?" Arya spoke, sounding a tad bitter about the idea.
We then made it to the area.
"Where is Jim anyway?" Claire then asked.
"He said he had something more important to do." I replied with a shrug.


"What can I help you with at this hour, young Atlas?" Strickler spoke.
I looked around before taking a seat.
"Well... You see..." I trailed off, frowning.
Telling him wouldn't be a good idea.
"I've been keeping something from Skylar and... I think she's been keeping a couple things from me. Today I told her that someone she likes, likes someone else when it wasn't even true because I didn't want her to go through the pain of it..." I explained.
Strickler frowned.
"Well, everyone has at least one secret... even twins. But why would you think telling her a lie would spare her the pain?" He asked.
I began telling him my thoughts on the matter, knowing I could never tell anyone that I knew what was coming...
I had to tell Skylar soon.

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